Hello, Steemit, my introduction goes everywhere

in introduction •  8 years ago 


Hello, Steemit community,

My name is Glenn, and I'm all over the place. Physically, I'm here in Long Beach trying to make it as a freelancer, but mentally, I'm everywhere. As I'm typing this, I'm thinking about what I'm going to do next, which is likely try out this online game I found called NitroType.

Earlier today, I asked friends how fast they type, and I was surprised to hear most were where I am currently, which is 100 words a minute. I'm certified at 101 words a minute, and my goal is to get to 105 consistently. By the end of the week, I'm planning to outline an online course I want to teach on how to type faster. It's amazing, at least to me, that the average typing speed is 40 words per minute. That seems reeeeeealllly slllllllooooooooww.

I'm sort of active on TypeRacer, but one friend, who said he was at 60 words a minute, hipped me to NitroType. It looks really cool, so I'm going to have a go at it.

Playing typing games is one of my fun activities to do. I'm not sure if you can lump it into the whole video game genre, but if so, that's one. There's also Tetris, which I've been playing for more than 30 years. The only other game I've played reguarly for at least 10 years is DDR, which is my favorite game of all time.

(Top 3 DDR versions in order: Max 2, Extreme, Fifth. There is no debate)

As for other activities, there's cycling -- bought a new bike last week and have been riding everywhere -- running, watching sports and watching esports.

So I will probably be talking a lot about those topics here.

By the way, I should give a shoutout to Steven aka Philosopher for letting me know about Steemit. I'm excited to write here.

Before I go, I found this random myspace survey. If I were to go to the wayback machine, it's likely I've answered this before in 2006 or something like that. But here you go.

  1. Last beverage:

  2. Last meal:
    Shredded chicken tacos. I cooked the chicken in a crockpot overnight with vegetable broth, onions and chipotles mixed in. Hella yummy.

  3. Last song you listened to:
    On a Good Day - Oceanlab

  4. Last time you cried:
    October 2016. Last day working at the local newspaper where I worked for 13 years (10-year term and then a 3-year term). I realized that it was truly the end and I wasn't coming back for a third term.

  5. Have you dated someone twice:
    My last girlfriend. After three months, we 'broke up' for a month and then got back together, and then that second stint lasted a month. Oh well.

  6. Have you ever been cheated on:

  7. Kissed someone & regretted it:

  8. Have you lost someone special:
    I've lost a few people in my life who were special through death or them just disappearing

  9. What are your three favorite colors:
    Orange (obviously), black (obviously) and I'd have to go with grey. Not really a third for me, I prefer orange and black.

  10. Met someone who changed you in the past month:
    Mid-June 2017 to Mid-July 2017 I would say nope.

  11. Kissed anyone on your friends list:
    I took this from a MySpace questionnaire as I mentioned earlier. My friends list then, it would be no. If I were to look at my Facebook friends list today, the answer is 1.

  12. How many kids do you want:
    Not sure.

  13. Do you want any pets:
    Not really. Have had fish before, and my brothers have cool pets.

  14. Do you want to change your name:
    I'm good

  15. What did you do for your last birthday:
    Had a great lunch with a great friend and her son, then visited one of my brothers.

  16. What time did you wake up today:
    6:30 a.m.

  17. Name something you CANNOT wait for:
    A company to say "Yes I want to hire you as a freelancer."

  18. Last time you saw your mother:

  19. Most visited webpage:

  20. Nicknames:
    G, GC. I try not to go by nicknames. Glenn is fine.

  21. Relationship status:

  22. Zodiac sign:

  23. Male or female:

  24. Height:

  25. Do you have a crush on someone:
    Doesn't everyone have a crush? Her name is ... LOL like I'm going to tell all of you here. :P

  26. Piercings:

  27. Tattoos:
    Have considered getting one for a long time but I'm not sold on what it should be. I don't want it to be the Giants insignia, as a lot of people have suggested. Someone wanted me to put the insignia plus the 3 championship years, and another person suggested three WS trophies, and those don't really seem appealing because they could win again (LOL not this year tho). Thought about the old GC2 symbol I had in high school but no. There's also the triforce, but a lot of people have that. There's "James 1:2-3," but then people might mistakenly call me James.

  28. Have you ever fallen in love with someone you least expected to?
    Yeah, that was awkward.

  29. Can you name off of the top of your head 5 people that genuinely love you?
    Yep, and they're all family.

  30. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
    If a 40-minute drive is long, then yes. Otherwise, no.

  31. Do long distant relationships work?
    I've seen friends go through the good and bad. It's a case-by-case situation.

  32. Whats the longest you have ever been away from a loved one?
    Family, 6 months. Second girlfriend (1999) a month.

  33. Do you like Valentines Day?
    It's whatever. When I was a restaurant server, I LOVED it, don't care what anyone says. It was a day to get PAID. Also, the chocolate and other candies made for the day by stores is higher tier than the rest of the year, even better than Mother's Day. Only thing I don't like is that people call it a holiday, because it is not.

  34. Has someone ever pretended to love you?
    Yeah, it sucked.

  35. Last beer you had?
    I'm straight edge.

(Oh, and the picture is of Partington Cove near Big Sur. I'm a Monterey Bay native, and I love hiking all of the trails along the bay. Am aiming to do the same in Southern California, but they just don't have the appeal like Big Sur does because it's BIG SUR, LAND OF AMAZING HIKES AND VIEWS!)

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Glenn, you're welcome to the community. And I hope you find it interesting. I like your MySpace survey questions, thumbs up!
In case, you might want to take some time out here, don't hesitate to check out my posts. Thanks

Welcome to the community Glenn!

Steemit is a stellar place with a ton of supportive and encouraging individuals. I joined 32 days ago and I am terribly happy :)

I post a lot of articles you might find helpful- stuff I learned the hard way as a new kid. So I wanted to compile it for ease of access for "minnows"- new Steemit users :)

Check out my page and if you have any questions please comment and ask, or find me on Discord app- lots of cool cats there and Steemit support.

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