Introduction and Greetings~!

in introduction •  9 years ago 

Hello everyone~! My name is Jason T. Chun and I have joined Steemit~! This is what I know of it so far...I have used Bitcoins before and have had wonderful results. I knew that they could be earned by mining but that was the extent of that. is a user-driven page and the members upvote worthy posts. Steem coins is a new crypto-currency and because of this site, there is a mad rush to hoard 'em. We will be paid for popular content with Steem coins and upvoting gets you money too somehow...anyways. Don't know why I was so excited to jump on. Demacho Farms will be my blog~!

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Good job man. You're gonna be perfect for this site. Gotta stay persistent even when the rewards don't come right away.

You'll have my upvote after 30 minutes...

I read something about 20 minutes you wrote but didn't follow...

You can make money on this site not just by posting, but by voting. When voting you want to find content that will be popular before it blows up. BUT you don't want to vote in the first 30 minutes or you won't get the rewards you deserve. So when you see a hot post, make sure it's 30 minutes old before you vote.