Try N1 - Introduction

in introduction •  8 years ago 

Hello everyone!

I'm Furka (it's not my real name of course :) )

It's First time I'm here and I will try to tell U my story, shortly (sorry for my English):

My aim in life have never been to become a rich, I had never have talent of doing business even never tried... My main interest is politics And i have a dream to change the world :) :) my dream is welfare in whole word - I know it's too idealistic and utopian, but i will try build a road for future generations and after the year or centuries new generation on my way will build the word without hunger and with welfare! that's all for first try :))!
This is the person who changed world... from now i'll try to introduce the peaople one by one who made world better History_Nelson_Mandela_Champion_of_Freedom_SF_HD_1104x622-16x9.jpg

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Great post I gave you a follow!