Introductionmysefl (perkenalan diri)

in introductionmysefl •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello steemians friend..!!!!

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings…
Praise and gratitude we pray to Allah Almighty, God the Merciful again the Most Merciful, because with the favors and guidance we can feel the beauty of Islam and faith. The grace and prosperity we hope to always pour out to the great Prophet Muhammad SAW and to his family and friends. Amen ...

Friends of the Steemians that I glorify.
Introductions. Here is my biography, may we always be in Allah's pleasure.

Full Name: Ismail
Place / date of birth: DS Leuhong, 01-July-1988
Male gender
Marital Status: Married
Nationality / Tribe: Indonesia / Aceh
Occupation: Ustadz / Mubaligh
Domicile Address: Jl. Rama Setia, Lr. Bakti, No. 73, Lampaseh Kota, Banda Aceh Province-Aceh



Name of Parent / Guardian
a. Father: M. Husen
b. Mother: Ainiyah
c. Occupation: Farmer
d. Address: Dusun Teupin Pala, Ds, Leuhong
Kec. Land Area Kab. North Aceh
a. Primary School: SD Negeri 2 Tanah Luas 2001
b. Tsanawiyah: Dayah MUDI Mesjid Raya Samalanga 2007
c. Aliyah: Dayah MUDI Mesjid Raya Samalanga 2009
d. Higher Education: Department of Shari'ah IAI Al-Aziziyah
Samalanga, graduated in 2013
e. Postgraduate: S2 UIN Ar-Raniry entering 2014-Now

Employment history

a. Teaching Staff at MUDI Pesantren Mesjid Raya Samalanga-Aceh from 2010 to 2015.
b. Teaching Staff at Najah-Aceh Pesantren in 2012-2014.
c. The teaching staff at TPQ Muhazzabul Akhlak Al-Aziziyah for a year, from 2012 to 2013.
d. Teaching at the Al-Aziziyah Institute of Islamic Religion from 2014 to 2015.
e. Teaching at Dayah Markaz Al-Ishlah Al-Aziziyah Lueng Bata Banda Aceh 2015-2017
f. Master of Diniah Contract City of Banda Aceh at SD 17 and SD Muhammadiah 2 Banda Aceh year 2017.
g. Imam Rawatib Bani Salim Lampaseh Mosque in Banda Aceh City in 2017.
h. Leader of Islamic Studies Center Darul Hikmah Al-Aziziyah Lampaseh Banda Aceh City in 2017.
i. Pembina Assembly Assembly lecturer Assembly Taklim Al-Hikmah Lampaseh Banda Aceh City in 2017.

Achievement History

a. Achieved the 1st winner of the Provincial Ceremony Competition at MUDI Pesantren Mesjid Raya Samalanga Aceh.
b. Won the Champion of Hope 1 Reading Competition of Al-Mahalli Book of Aceh Province Level 2011 in Meureudi Kab. Pidie Jaya Aceh Province.
c. Winning the 1st Reading Reading Competition of Ushul Fiqh (Ghayah Ushul) National Book (MUFAKAT) representing Aceh in 2011 in Pancor Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB)
(Ismail, the Champion of Reading the Yellow Book)
PERSIANAN Ismail M Husen in studying should be an example. At a very young age, 23 years old, Ismail has been able to master Ushul Fiqh ulya (top) lessons, directly from Arabic books. This is all thanks to his persistence since becoming a santri in Dayah Mudi Mesra Samalanga, Bireuen District, seven years ago.

Ismail is now beginning to receive rewards for his persistence. The peak, in the year 2011 and then, when still aged 23 years, Ismail won 1st Ushul Fiqh Ulya level, in the event Musabaqah Fahmil Kutubi Turats (Mufakat) national level IV in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). In addition to Ismail, 7 other Mudi Mesra students also won the champions in the event, including the first champion Balaghah Wustha level on behalf of Nurhafni.

Ismail's adventure in studying far from his home, started from the end of elementary school in his hometown, Leuhong Tanah Luas Village. Initially Ismail became a santri in Dayah Al-Hilal Al-Aziziyah Sub Nibong Aceh Utara, until then proceed to Samalanga.

After three years at Ummul Ayman (junior level), Ismail continued his top-level study at Mudi Mesra, also in Samalanga. "It's now graduated from aliyah level in Mudi and continuing to higher level," he told Serambi a few days ago.

The hearts and minds of learning in the dayah, he said, because the level of discipline is quite high. Every spare time is recommended to study individually, in groups as well as learning together reading various types of books, including the yellow book. In addition, faculty or tengku more senior, curriculum is quite adequate, and the learning process is quite strict.

Ismail said, his success won the first place in the yellow book reading the national level Lombok NTB, not separated from the seriousness of learning, encouragement of the tengku, and supported learning facilities that are almost adequate.
Notes Serambi, from 24 Aceh representatives who entered the final in 16 branches Mufakat IV Lombok, eight of which are students Mudi Mesra. In fact, two national champion I for Aceh achieved by students Mudi Mesra ie on behalf of Ismail M Husen (champion 1 Ushul Fiqh Ulya level) and Nurhafni (Champion 1 balaghah level wustha

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