Christie's Tarot. Introductory Tarot Course. ( Week 3- A week of the Magician-Day 1)

in introductorytarotcourse •  7 years ago  (edited)


Always remember this is for entertainment only!

This week we are going to get to grips with the Magician .Today we are going to look at the basic' of what the Magician means in his upright position, on his own. Let's start with some key words:

  • Skill
  • Mastery
  • Competence
  • Enterprise
  • Business
  • Achievement
  • Ruth fullness 
  • Trickery
  • Manipulation
  • Confidence

The Magician

The Magician is number 1 in the deck and true to it's numerology form, he takes the lead. Strong and willful, he is at the top of his game. The Magician is certainly a skilled master, someone who knows exactly what he or she wants to achieve. The Magician can be a sign of victory in a project or an entrepreneur with their first break.

One thing that is for sure, is that the Magician is reaping the rewards or all their hard work.

Describing a person

The Magician is interested in achieving a goal, so very much an entrepreneur, or someone who works hard and sets to achieve. Although the magician is hardworking, sometimes you have to be cautious as they can let their goals influence their way of life. If they have an ulterior motive, they could use their intellect to deceive or manipulate to get what they want. Sometimes magicians can have little empathy and can be quite calculating.

As guidance

If this comes in your guidance, you may have some celebrating to do as your hard work may be reaping the rewards. If your reading is about someone else it could mean someone else is due to receive. Remember, as above, to tread with caution. 

In reverse

I don't personally reverse cards as you know. If the Magician is reversed then the guidance would be to watch for a manipulative or deceitful character, someone who plays games to get what they want. 

Tarot in poem

This is Tarot poem that sums him up just right. 

Stand up tall, the Magician is here.

He has a sleeve full of tricks

He's clever , smart, he has no fear 

From his work, he gets his kicks

 There's also success when he is around

Earned by the skill in his acts

He's skilled, at last a genius is found!

He takes his theories as his facts 

The magician as clever as he may be

Can also be quite cunning

His motive you may not clearly see

His talents just keeps on running 

He maybe bad he maybe good

He alone knows his game

Is he doing what he should?

Or would his skill bring you shame ? 

The Magician in art

To really get to grips with the Magician, I recommend you draw him. Now, I am no artist but I drew this picture on the paint program and I am so glad I did. It captures everything I imagine about the Magician.

This is drawn to signify that the happy face and his hat full of tricks shows confidence in his work. The stars behind him and the red carpet show him as a showman or someone who should be on the stage admired. The cowering rabbit tells the other side. The side when he can be feared and can play a dangerous game.

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Great explaination of the magician.

I might have missed this in a past post, but why do you not reverse cards? And is it commonplace to reverse cards or to not reverse cards?

Hi...good question. A lot reverse cards as it gives a quick snapshot of the situation. I believe more people reverse than don't (I am a bit of a maverick haha) I use pairings for extra detail. So you start with a fool say, then add more cards to get a better description. With reversals, you don't need to pair as much, but I don't feel it adds as much flavour but it is down to taste. I have done it both ways but simply prefer upright.

That definitely helped me understand! Thank you!

You are welcome