Christie's Tarot. Introductory Tarot Course. ( Week 3- A week of the Magician-Day 4) The Magician paired with the Major Arcana

Apologies for the delay- Christmas/New Year got in the way!

Magician & Fool

Success brings in new opportunities

Magician & Empress

A new home, child or business property

Magician & Emperor

Sucess in authority

Magician and High Priestess

A spiritual awakening

Magician and Hierophant

Moral success

Magician and Lovers

Commitment and trust. True Love or strong bonds formed.

Magician and World

Success will stay. Happiness comes as a reward for hard work

Magician and Star

Personal Development. Top of your game!

Magician and Devil

Trickery and deception. Beware of Temptation

Magician and Tower

Short lived success. Counting your chickens before they have hatched.

Magician and Justice

Positive movements in legal affairs

Magician and Judgement

Long-term success in your goals

Magician and Wheel Of Fortune

Celebration of success. Maybe short lived.

Magician and Hanged Man

After working hard on a project, there will be a period of waiting

Magician and The Sun

Luxury holidays, or travel with work

Magician and The Moon

Perilous times. Keep vigilant as someone could be deceiving you

Magician and Death

Big changes ahead. Most probably at work. 

Magician and Hermit

Using your wisdom to enhance earlier success

Magician and Chariot

Ultimate success- Time for celebrations!

Magician and Strength

Defeating the odds physically or mentally. Great skill gets results!

Magician and Temperance

A well thought of decision creates good work, life balance

Suit cards may add detail, as will a third Major Arcana.

Please ask questions if you would like to know more.


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