Me siento atrapado, como un animal enjaulado dando vueltas de aqui para haya revolcandome en el lodo y el fango ya que es la designacion a lo mas pobre pero tambien a lo mas puro y recondito de mi, buscando la lleve que me libere de este espacio que solo me consume me limita y me impide seguir el sentirm cuadrado y alejado me coloca de una forma sistematica ante el entorno exterior que me rodea y sin hacer caso omiso con una sonrisa y una respuesta cordial y refinada les hago parecer que estoy bien pero es solo una vil mentira solo puedo observar a traves de mi aferrandome a estos barrotes gritando a la nada y pidiendo salir. Todo pasa sin y a la vez darme cuenta el perder oportunidades y valorarlas, y si.... la unica limitante es que por mucho que me guste salir yo me impongo esas rejas que no estan.
(English version): a cage without bars
I feel trapped, like a caged animal circling here to wallow in the mud and mud as it is the designation to the poorest but also to the purest and recondite of me, looking for the carry that frees me from this space which only consumes me limits me and prevents me from continuing to feel square and remote, places me in a systematic way before the external environment that surrounds me and without ignoring with a smile and a warm and refined response I make them look like I'm fine but it's Only a vile lie I can only observe through my clinging to these bars screaming to nothingness and asking to leave. Everything happens without and at the same time I realize losing opportunities and value them, and if ... the only limitation is that as much as I like to go out I impose those bars that are not there.