This screenshot motivational poster is highly pro-Ayame with some pro-Sesshoumaru, pro-Inuyasha, pro-Dai, pro-Roku, pro-Kai, pro-Rin, pro-Shiori, pro-Shinta, and pro-SessAyaInu moments as well as some highly anti-Kouga and anti-KouAya thrown in the mix. Sit back, relax, and sit in for a spell as to why I firmly believe Ayame needs more love and can be capable of holding her own as a badass, strong, fierce superheroine.
I am fully aware that Ayame is an anime-only character, but that does not mean that she has to be short-changed of what potential she could have had if she were given more screen time plus more character growth and development, and not just what she received from the overall four episodes she appeared in starting in Episode 83 and ending in Episode 193 of the overall Inuyasha series.
What do I mean by short-changing Ayame's potential for character growth and development? How about the fact that she was solely relegated to being Kouga's "love interest" in the anime and having that as her sole existence? I have to reiterate that I feel so sorry for Ayame being reduced to this character trope because she has proven herself to be quite capable in battle thanks to using her natural speed, having pinpoint accuracy with those leaf-like shuriken, and even punching the ground in order to subdue the giant hair demon. Unlike Kouga who relied on the Shikon Jewel shards on his legs to accelerate his strength and speed, Ayame took years to naturally hone her strength, speed, and stamina through hard-earned training with the other wolf yokai warriors of the Northern Tribe. Ergo, Ayame had the potential to be a most reliable member to Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and the rest of the gang to vanquish Naraku, but was tragically underutilized to her full advantage. I would even go out of my way to say that she is a much stronger combatant than Sango and Kagome could ever be because she was not easily manipulated and, when given more to do, could be braver than she already was.
For a series like Inuyasha which is really well-known for having a bevy of heroines, villainesses, anti-heroines, and anti-villainesses who can be just as good, compassionate and just or ambiguous and mysterious or even petty, cruel, and ruthless as the heroes, the villains, the anti-heroes, and the anti-villains present, it is such a shame that Ayame's whole potential as a strong, capable, fascinating warrior has been sadly squandered in favor of soap-operatic love triangles, constantly going back to the status quo, and more monster-of-the-week episodes than ever before. I found how Ayame was being handled in the show so frustrating because she should have been an amazing addition to the likes of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and their respective companions on her own terms, thus proving herself worthy of joining forces with them.
Going to Kouga, I do not want to sound like a broken record, but I really loathe and abhor this low-down, good-for-nothing, blowhard, windbag loser of a Karma Houdini who makes my blood seethe with such odious bitterness after what he and his wolves did to the hapless, defenseless Rin before she was revived by Sesshoumaru's Tenseiga as well as the absolute dishonor of what he did to his tribe for not avenging their deaths under Kagura's bloodstained fan after being deprived of the Shikon Jewel shards from his legs. To make things worse, he was even in possession of the Goraishi, which could have seen Kouga grow on his own terms as a fighter, but it ended up being a huge waste and an even bigger letdown. After all of that disillusionment, he still ended up married to Ayame?! What the deuce is that?! He deserved absolutely nothing after what nefarious deed he did especially to Rin and what duty he failed to do for his fallen comrades on a cosmic level! I just wanted to jump on the screen and slap Ayame silly for falling for such a glorified weakling when her whole thing with this blasted sissy wearing tough guy's garb was nothing more than an asinine crush she had when she was a little girl and that things bleeping change and the fact that she is so much better, stronger, and smarter than the "lame package" Kouga had to offer. When all is said and done, Ayame deserved so much better than that big lame-o Kouga.
I am not even sorry for being highly Anti-KouAya because I do not see this relationship lasting as long as it should and that this pairing existed only to give Kouga a love interest. A love interest who was never worthy of his time or effort in any way, shape or form. Keep in mind that Ayame's crush on Kouga and the "promise" he made to her on the night of the Lunar Rainbow all occurred when she was a young child and when Kouga was a young and dumb teenager. The harsh reality is that childhood crushes do not hold up well until adulthood because priorities and perspectives change over time. It would also be especially painful for Ayame to realize that Kouga was not the hero she once envisioned, specifically when he was solely relying on the Shikon Jewel shards' power to accelerate his skills without having to challenge himself in order to get truly stronger. Kouga's and Ayame's wedding was nothing more than a mere farce because he wasted a perfect opportunity to step up as a fighter with the Goraishi to prove himself more than worthy of avenging his fallen comrades, despite being deprived of his jewel shards. However, because Kouga surrendered in the most unceremonious way seeing no point in avenging his fallen comrades by helping Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and the gang to vanquish Naraku, he should not have even bothered to marry Ayame and she would have been done and dusted with him for good due to not living up to his word as a true warrior.
All my poisonous venom directed towards Kouga aside, I would rather endeavor to state that Ayame does not need gimmicks, flattery or any artificial power-ups because of how naturally strong and capable she is. I see her as a warrior who is full of valor, determination, and stamina who can rise above the challenge, thus proving her enemies wrong that she is just a weak wolf girl. I could imagine her detractors to be yokai who are far more powerful than her from the prideful and vain Princess Kaguya to the ruthless Princess Abi to the playfully sadistic Yura of the Hair to even male combatants such as Menomaru, Ryura, Kyora, and Jura. They would taunt her about how she is a pathetic little wolf princess who is grandpa's little girl, thus leading Ayame to crack a smirk and snarl at her enemies, let out an ear-splitting battle cry, and whale the tar out of all her detractors with her own bare hands, furious fists, skull-cracking head-butts, and the ferocity of a million beasts raging inside her. This would serve as a perfect lesson to her enemies as to why they should never underestimate Ayame's magnificent combat prowess or else their corpses would be mounted on pikes courtesy of her.
Two dashing suitors who would easily root for Ayame as a fierce combatant and a valorous soul would be none other than Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru because he could see in Ayame a combatant who never surrenders to any man and who can prove herself to be brave, independent, relentless, focused, and determined, which are traits he would end up cherishing about her. Inuyasha because he can truly cherish Ayame as a fierce warrior, a truly beautiful soul, and a fighter who has seen danger, fear, and despair but has learned to overcome them with everything she has. Both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha would champion Ayame as both a warrior and their most beloved wife because she is no damsel in distress, is more than capable of standing her ground, and is not going to flinch at the darker aspects of either herself or her two most beloved beaus.
Sure, the two dog yokai brothers can acknowledge how short-tempered, single-minded, and high-strung Ayame can be, but they would also see in her a young woman who can be capable of being herself towards them and they will have no illusions as to how surprisingly compassionate, kind, earnest, hopeful, and affectionate she can be. They would encourage her to constantly step up her game and accept every single challenge with open arms.
Ayame may see not so ideal sides to both of her beaus, specifically Sesshoumaru's pride, haughtiness, and ruthlessness, Inuyasha's stubbornness, rowdiness, and brashness, and both brothers wanting to beat the ever-loving crud out of each other, but she can acknowledge that they do see her as a young woman with her own goals, strengths, dreams, aspirations, anxieties, and hopes as an individual and not some prize both of them can attain. The mere fact that she can be herself with them is enough to make both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha cherish her from here to eternity, especially when she also bears a compassionate, understanding, and conscientious soul who can not only comprehend that Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha have their own brand of tough love but also realize that they have so much more in common than they think, which all boils down to the respect and admiration they have for the older male role models in their families. For Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, it is their father Dog General Toga. For Ayame, it is her grandfather The Wolf Elder aka Choro.
For Ayame, and even both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, the one person who is more than capable of tapping in to not only Sesshoumaru's and Inuyasha's growing compassion, but also that of Ayame's, is Rin, who is the catalyst of bringing out that sense of protection, loyalty, and understanding in each of these three warriors. For those of you who know me and my AU headcanon regarding Ayame being wed to both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, thus having both brothers inducted in the Northern Yoro Tribe while they were still very young, you will know that I made these three powerful warriors be two fathers and one mother to three adopted hanyou children in the forms of Dai, Roku, and Shiori, two adopted wolf yokai sons in the forms of Kai and Shinta, and one human daughter in the form of Rin. Out of their six adopted children, Rin would demonstrate her utmost respect, unconditional love, boundless honor, and great ambition to both her fathers and especially to her mother because she wants to be as strong, powerful, and formidable as them. This is also where Ayame would prove herself to develop a sense of compassion towards Rin and where Rin would display her unconditional love and respect for Ayame, thus unlocking a protectively motherly side in Ayame and a respectful, dutiful aspect in Rin to learn about standing her ground as a warrior. In that sense, Rin would realize that not all wolf yokai are as bloodthirsty as Kouga, but can be actually protective, thus making Ayame play a significant role in Rin's life as both her Okamigami-Mochi and her adoptive mother.
We all know what happened to Rin in her debut episode when she started out as a traumatized girl who was left mute because she saw her biological father, mother, and brother get killed by robbers. When she met Sesshoumaru, she demonstrated a budding sense of compassion and unconditional kindness towards him, despite not returning. When Kouga barged into the village to acquire the Shikon Jewel shards some thief took away from him, he proceeded to kill him on the spot and order his wolves to feast to their hearts' content. It turned out that Kouga's wolves ended up attacking poor, hapless, defenseless Rin and killed her on the spot. That was until she was revived by Sesshoumaru's Tenseiga and lived the rest of her life by Sesshoumaru's side. This moment made my blood boil against Kouga, how he got away completely scot-free of murder, and how I wish Karma bit him hard on his cowardly behind.
Where Inuyasha and Ayame come in to this scenario is, of course, part of my AU headcanon, as she had nothing to do with Kouga at all and is mainly Sesshoumaru's and Inuyasha's wife. Hearing the cries of Rin being attacked by Kouga's rogue wolves spurred Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame to rescue her and interrogate the rogue wolves of who would command them to do such a nefarious deed. Whimpering, the rogue wolves would indicate that Kouga instructed them. They confront Kouga by having Ayame deliver the first few blows to his cheeks and having Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha give him a double whammy punch to his chin and gut making him fly all limp and battered back to his cave. Ayame would be horrified to know that rogue wolf yokai such as Kouga would use their ferocity and power in order to prey on defenseless creatures such as Rin and would vow in helping Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha raise Rin as their own daughter. Rin would find herself finally being able to talk and be utterly grateful for Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame for coming to her aid, thus making her being welcomed into Sesshoumaru's, Inuyasha's, and Ayame's familial life as their most beloved daughter. Ergo, Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame would not only be Rin's two Inugami-Mochi and sole Okamigami-Mochi respectively, but also the parents who can guarantee Rin a home where she can truly thrive among those who can help her reach her fullest potential.
There is also no scrimping on the maternal love Ayame would have for Dai, Roku, Kai, Shiori, and Shinta because she would be able to instill unto them bundles of perseverance, determination, and passion.
Dai and Roku may be the mouthy, troublemaking eldest adopted sons, but thanks to Ayame's stern disciplining, they would come to respect her as a valiant, unflinching warrior mom who has seen fear but has risen above that to see a change for the better. Therefore, they would do their part in ensuring that their family does not fall apart.
Kai would look up to Ayame as his mother because of how supportive she is to his endeavors to grow as a strong fighter who will be there for the disenfranchised.
Shiori would learn the value of unconditional love and compassion through Ayame because of how much in common she has in common to her younger adoptive father Inuyasha being a hanyou and all. Ayame would also remind Shiori that it does not matter where she, Dai, Roku, Kai, Rin and/or Shinta come from because they are all family.
Shinta would easily be the mama's boy in the most positive way because he aspires to be just as courageous as Ayame and she can see that in someone as young and bright as Shinta.
With the upcoming sequel underway, the most radical change I did to Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha in order for them to be fitted in my AU headcanon was make them triplet sisters and Ayame's youngest daughters who bears both of their fathers' strong personalities. As her youngest daughters, Ayame would demonstrate her unconditional maternal love to these three young warriors and she would see them grow in strength and in great character.
In conclusion, Ayame is a courageous combatant never to be underestimated and never to be taken for granted. With the insurmountable amount of potential she had as a strong character, it still remains an utter disillusionment that she would solely be relegated to the role of a love interest to a bluffing, blowhard, cowardly Karma Houdini who deserved none of my respect and more of my ire, wrath, and lust for his putrid blood. Had the writers, especially Rumiko Takahashi, developed her character a whole lot more and not just pigeonhole her as a one-sided love interest mainly in the anime series, she would have proven herself to be a most formidable warrior who is a whole lot more than meets the eye, especially where her capability for compassion comes into play. Luckily for her, Ayame has found a special place in my heart, mind, and soul not only in my AU headcanon as Sesshoumaru's and Inuyasha's most beloved wife and the mother to Dai, Roku, Kai, Rin, Shiori, Shinta, and a host of children I have made for Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame, but also as one of my most favorite Inuyasha characters who deserves a whole lot more love and really deserved a much fairer shake.
I hope you all enjoyed this screenshot motivational poster dedicated to Ayame, who is a truly underrated and under-appreciated character in my eyes, and I would love to hear from you if you feel that Ayame deserves a whole lot more love and deserves a whole lot more screen time and appreciation as a true superheroine.
Until then, I will see you all in the next submission. Take care and stay safe, everybody.
Ayame from Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.