Beauty, Bravery, and Brawn Incarnate

in inuyasha •  4 years ago 

This screenshot motivational poster is extremely and highly pro-Ayame with some moments of pro-SessAyaInu, pro-Sesshoumaru, pro-Inuyasha, pro-Rin, and pro-Shiori. So, fellow Ayame fans, sit back, relax, and revel in the beauty and power of Ayame's fortitude, courage, hope, and unconditional love.

All right, let's cue the Xena: Warrior Princess theme music dedicated to the awesome, amazing, and altruistic Ayame.

In a time of ancient yokai,
and high lords,
a land in turmoil cried out for a hero.
She was Ayame.
A mighty wolf yokai princess forged in the heat of battle.
The power.
The passion.
The danger.
Her courage will change the world and Feudal Era Japan.

I cannot tell a lie, folks, my undying appreciation for this particular wolf woman warrior knows no bounds to the point where I highly believed that she deserved better than just being relegated to Kouga's "love interest" and an anime-only character appearing in only a total of four episodes. To say that she deserves to be in more episodes is a mere understatement. She deserves her own freaking show!

Yeah, I said it loud and clear. Ayame deserves to be in her own show because she has proven herself worthy of being a powerful heroine with the strength of ten-thousand men, lions, and tigers, the speed of an army of cheetahs, the cunning of a fox, and the quick reflexes of an Olympian. Give her anyone she can throw down on, especially the men, whether he be Hiten, Menomaru, Bankotsu, Ryura, Kyora or Jura or even iron ladies like Kaguya, Abi, Yura, Hari, and Ruri, and Ayame will deliver the goods complete with her uppercuts, jabs, roundhouse kicks, and all the punches she can dish out. I can imagine both her male and female enemies calling her rude names like "silly girl" and she will prove them all wrong by beating them to a pulp. She could even give Kouga a huge jab in the gut for dishonoring his tribe and Miroku a huge, swift kick to his family jewels for daring to ask her to bear her children, even though he himself was an infidel.

Coupled with her badass strength would be Ayame's sense of humor in which she can express her love for life and trying out new things every step of the way, thus proving her well-roundedness. Sometimes she would find herself in unusual situations but will always find a solution by being as determined, intuitive, fearless, and resilient as possible.

Moreover, Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha would be the men playing an integral role in her life as her two loving beaus/suitors/husbands, thus demonstrating a healthy polyamorous relationship, and how she can help Sesshoumaru lighten up every once in a while, Inuyasha feel comfortable in his own skin as a hanyou wanting to become stronger every step of the way, and even helping both brothers join forces and use their combined strengths to work together well. Adding in Shuran and his brawny big brother roughness and inner cuddliness, Hakkaku and his brand of hilarity, Ginta and his brand of lovability, and Shunran and her undying brand of sisterhood to Ayame as well as having Kuranosuke Takeda as their human best friend, loyal lord, and the overall eldest and unofficial commissioner of their group would make Ayame's life even more complete, given that she not only has two gallant gentlemen she admires to the depths of her heart but also true friends she can rely on in the forms of Kuranosuke Takeda, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran.

However, it is not just her super strength, her fun-loving sense of humor, her unconditional love that she gives to Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, and her strong friendship she is always willing to give to Kuranosuke, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran. It is also the fierce protection, duty, and honor she demonstrates on her, Sesshoumaru's, and Inuyasha's children such as their adopted sons Dai, Roku, Kai, Shinta, and most especially their adopted daughters Rin and Shiori. Ayame would prove herself to be a supportive, kind, loving, and caring mother to both Rin and Shiori, as they aspire to be as strong as her, and she would always remind them that it is important for them to do the right thing, follow their instincts, never ever give up, and always show compassion and respect towards others. Furthermore, being the protective mother that Ayame is, she would make sure that threats such as Kouga and Taigokumaru do not harm her beloved daughters with Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha helping her ensure said protection.

Ayame is more than a tough chick who can kick butt with strength and finesse, as she bears a compassionate heart, especially where her family is concerned from her husbands to her "siblings" from other mothers to her children. She would understand Sesshoumaru's and Inuyasha's desires to become stronger and more formidable because of how they prove themselves worthy and keep to their word with every single fiber of their being. In terms of these two brothers, she would also understand their want to prove themselves to their father Toga the Dog General, which is quite akin of how she aspires to be as strong and wise as her grandfather The Wolf Elder. There is a sense of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame having something in common which would make their bond one of respect, understanding, and genuineness to the point where no one will break them apart.

Sesshoumaru could see in Ayame a brave, determined, relentless warrior who has a good head on her shoulders and a passionately resilient heart. He does see her bad sides such as her fiery temper and her high-strung attitude, but he makes sure that she can channel them into something positive and encouraging. In fact, encouragement is the very trait that would describe Ayame's relationship with her husband number one because of how much they can surprise each other and break each others' walls down.

Inuyasha could see in Ayame a compassionate, kind, genuine, strong, understanding soul who has always accepted him as a hanyou ever since they were children. Even when Inuyasha grew and took good control of his yokai blood, Ayame has always been on his side in a romantic sense as well as Sesshoumaru in a begrudgingly brotherly sense. They can be totally frank with each other and they have no ulterior motives whatsoever. To make things better, he and Ayame form a powerful duo as fighters who can take down their enemies with their claws, fists, and strength with Sesshoumaru dishing out the final blow.

When it comes to her two most beloved adopted daughters Rin and Shiori, this is where Ayame's motherly side truly shines. She understands both girls in terms of how lonely they were to have lived alone in the world what with Rin losing her biological family and Shiori losing her biological father, having her biological mother give her, Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame her final blessing before going into the next world with her husband, and her biological grandfather being abusive towards her. She feels the pain, the struggle, the loneliness, and the agony these two young souls went through and will do anything and everything she can in her power to be the mother they truly deserve and to ensure a most stable family life with Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha being the fathers who can help them become stronger, Kuranosuke being the uncle who can be a source of wisdom and nobility, Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta being the lovable, funny, and gregarious uncles, and Shunran being the loving, feisty, and lovable aunt.

So, folks, there you have it. Ayame as how I see her in my AU headcanon as a strong, capable, powerful wolf warrior queen with a heart of gold. She is a loving and compassionate wife to two handsomely dashing dog yokai warriors, a supportive mother to several children including one human girl and one bat hanyou girl, a great friend to those who are true to her, and is someone who can kick butt with her bare hands and fists to the greatest of her abilities. Her courage is definitely going to live on through the ages.

I hope you all enjoyed this manifesto dedicated to Ayame's awesomeness and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and have a nice autumn, everybody.

Ayame from Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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