Feudal Era Japan's Strongest Family

in inuyasha •  4 years ago 

This screenshot motivational poster is mega and highly Pro-Sesshoumaru, Pro-Inuyasha, Pro-Ayame, Pro-SessAyaInu, Pro-Dai, Pro-Roku, Pro-Kai, Pro-Rin, Pro-Shiori, and Pro-Shinta. Sit back, relax, and soak in just how formidable Sesshoumaru's, Inuyasha's, and Ayame's family really is while also bearing in mind that this is only one-fourth of the children they have. Furthermore, this is my contribution for this year's Red Ribbon Reviewers' Month.

This Inuvember submission reminds us all that families come in different shapes, sizes, ethnicities, colors, and backgrounds. Furthermore, family may not always be about blood relations but can and should be about building a foundation based on unity, compassion, respect, responsibility, hope, understanding, and character. Take Sesshoumaru's, Inuyasha's, and Ayame's word for it, considering that their children consist of three hanyous, two full wolf yokais, and one human. However, that does not stop right there. Ayame even has first-born sextuplet sons from Sesshoumaru, second-born sextuplet sons from Inuyasha, and two sets of triplet daughters who bear both Sesshoumaru's calculation and Inuyasha's rowdiness with the elder triplet daughters leaning towards Sesshoumaru's behavior and the youngest triplet daughters leaning towards Inuyasha's behavior.

Now, I bet you are wondering, what about Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha? I am sorry to say this, but I have scrapped the idea of including them in my AU headcanon because one having a whopping number of twenty-seven children would have proven too much for my OT3 for life and two I lost my mojo for Yashahime after watching the first episode. Certain story elements of Yashahime felt like they were not only copying the original Inuyasha series but also other installments such as Dragonball with the collection of the Seven Pearls and I felt like it was trying to be Inuyasha's answer to Boruto. On top of that, I feel that Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha could have and should have been their own characters rather than being the respective offspring to Sesshoumaru and my biggest NOTP of all time, which I am so sure you already know who it is.

With that tangent being set aside, let us go back to my AU headcanon of Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha having a powerfully harmonious three-way relationship with Ayame and I will wholeheartedly stick to my AU headcanon for these three canine yokai warriors until I descend to the grave.

The Wolf Elder and The Dog General are certainly proud of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame for not only proving themselves to be powerful warriors who can use their collective strength to vanquish invaders, plunderers, and many other villains but for also setting great examples to their children coming from diverse backgrounds. Be they adopted or be they biological, all of Sesshoumaru's, Inuyasha's, and Ayame's children have done phenomenal jobs in upholding the values of courage, respect, strength, and independence as their family's hallmark traits and what they have also passed down to their children.

I bet you are also wondering, what makes Sesshoumaru's, Inuyasha's, and Ayame's family the strongest in all of Feudal Era Japan? It all boils down to not only acquiring the strength of elephants, lions, and an army of ten-thousand men, claws and fangs of steel, fists and feet of fury, impeccable combat prowess which can make their foes weak in the knees, and an overall athleticism which can make many an Olympian turn green with envy, but also the unity they have within the family. No one in their family gets left behind and there is a lot of structure which has helped their family go through even the toughest of times. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha are the ones who spearhead the order within the house, Ayame makes sure that the order is well-executed, and all of their children fulfill their familial duties as well as their personal passions really well. This unity is not only evident within the household, but also throughout the battlefield, considering that Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame each have the powerful Goraishi forged from both Sesshoumaru's and Inuyasha's father's fang as well as Ayame's ancestors' fangs and all of their children are just as well-equipped as combatants just like their parents. Ergo, no foe can ever stop Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, and all of their children from acquiring triumph after triumph.

With such a powerful family, this is how their roles would be fulfilled and I will also be using the ages that they were when Inuyasha first aired back in 2000.

19-year-old Sesshoumaru is the stern, fierce, stealthy older patriarch of the family who ensures that their children, especially his eldest sons Motoharu, Matsuhige, Mitsuhide, Masataka, Masaya, and Motomu, are well-focused in any battle and who also ensures a lot of decorum in their household. This means that discipline is an absolute must and it is something that needs to be upheld as a habit. His favorite routines to do with their children are Pankration, Thai boxing, yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, and teaching them about the various pressure points in their opponents. Being the stealthy one, he always makes sure that he, his brother, their wife, and their children are united in body, mind, and soul.

17-year-old Inuyasha is the super strong, super fierce, super brave younger patriarch of the family who sees to it that their children, especially his sons Kenta, Keita, Kuma, Kouta, Kazuhiko, and Kaito, exude strength, confidence, courage, determination, and dedication to everything they do. He may be a little bit more laid-back in his fatherly skills than his older brother is, but he is not one to mess with, as he does see to it that none of their children talk back to him, Sesshoumaru, and/or Ayame, thus making sure that respect remains a huge priority in their house. His favorite routines to do with their children are wrestling, boxing, grappling, weightlifting, having muscle posedown with their sons, having boxing matches with his daughters, and having roaring matches. He is essentially the muscle of the family.

15-year-old Ayame is the courageous, heroic, determined, fiercely loving matriarch of the family who makes it certain that their children, especially her younger daughters Momoko, Makoto, and Mikoto and her youngest daughters Maya, Minako, and Meika, remain vigilant, conscientious, and unwavering when it comes to protecting the people they love the most. Being a mother to a total of twenty-four children may be tough, but she can always be grateful to her two husbands for helping her make raising an army of children much easier, especially when she even teaches all of their children the meaning of responsibility and compassion. Her favorite routines to do with their children are marathon-running, swimming, diving, kickboxing, boxing, grappling, and circuit training. All of their children have been looking up to Ayame not only for her athletic abilities and impeccable combat prowess, but also her understanding, sense of unconditional love, and for being the glue who holds the family together.

11-year-olds Motoharu, Matsuhige, Mitsuhide, Masataka, Masaya, and Motomu are the first eldest sextuplet sons in the family who have inherited Sesshoumaru's cool, calm, collected nature as well as his lethal accuracy and flawless combat prowess. These six gentlemen can throw a hole-creating punch to their enemies and have the focus, determination, and discipline to be role models to their younger siblings. They even enjoy having morning wrestling, boxing, and kickboxing matches with Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Kenta, Keita, Kuma, Kouta, Kazuhiko, and Kaito before having a hearty breakfast which is a familial tradition.

10-year-olds Kenta, Keita, Kuma, Kouta, Kazuhiko, and Kaito are the second eldest sextuplet sons in the family who have inherited Inuyasha's courage, foolhardy attitude, super strength, toughness, and his full-blown muscle power. These six warriors can chokehold, bear-hug, throttle, and break their enemies necks with the force of a grizzly bear or gorilla and the fierceness of a lion and are the fiercest of the children. Being the muscle sextuplets that they are, they enjoy weightlifting, wrestling, and boxing with their older brothers and their two fathers. Kenta, Keita, Kuma, Kouta, Kazuhiko, and Kaito would love to be as strong as Inuyasha when they grow up.

10-year-olds Dai and Roku are the eldest adopted twin sons of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame who may be mouthy but they care so much for their family and will do everything they can to aspire to be stronger warriors. Sometimes they find themselves being involved in playful sparring matches with their two sets of eldest brothers, but they look up to them so much because of their bravery, super strength, and overall toughness. Both Dai and Roku do tend to be sarcastic, which is a trait they share with Inuyasha, but they also share Sesshoumaru's sense of duty and Ayame's determination.

10-year-old Kai is the second eldest adopted son of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame who is the boy scout of the family, thus wanting to prove himself to be strong, brave, determined, and dedicated as his parents and his oldest brothers. He does his very best to be the responsible older sibling to his younger siblings and he also looks up to both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha as his role models for life. He even enjoys having boxing and wrestling matches with Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Motoharu, Matsuhige, Mitsuhide, Masataka, Masaya, Motomu, Kenta, Keita, Kuma, Kouta, Kazuhiko, and Kaito to the point where every sparring match would conclude with a huge hug.

8-year-old Rin is the eldest adopted daughter of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame who is their favorite child, the older brothers' favorite younger sister, and the glue who unites all of the family members under one roof. Being adopted by Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame is the best occasion that has ever happened to her after she lost her biological parents and biological older brother. Furthermore, she is even grateful to her three parents for saving her from Kouga and his rogue wolves. That experience motivated Rin to fight for the disenfranchised and the oppressed as well as train really hard with her two fathers, mother, and all of her older brothers.

8-year-old Shiori is the second eldest adopted daughter of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame who is akin to Rin's twin sister and is the one who hammers home how vital compassion, kindness, good cheer, and harmony are in a healthy, strong, happy family. When Shizu, her biological mother, ended up reuniting with Tsukuyomaru in Heaven after entrusting Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame to raise her well, Shiori felt the warmth, support, and encouragement of her biological parents be passed down to Ayame, Inuyasha, and surprisingly Sesshoumaru. Sure, she does display a lot of respect towards all of her older brothers and demonstrates a lot of kindness to her younger siblings, but out of all of them, she is extremely close to Rin who, as stated before, is almost like her non-identical twin sister. She too wants to fight for the disenfranchised and the oppressed as well as train really hard with her two fathers, mother, and all of her older brothers.

7-year-old Shinta is the youngest adopted son of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame who is the bright, cheery, lovable bundle of joy to his parents and all of his siblings. Shinta really loves being in the company of his older siblings, as he gets a lot of the hair-ruffles from Motoharu, Matsuhige, Mitsuhide, Masataka, Masaya, and Motomu, a lot of noogies from Kenta, Keita, Kuma, Kouta, Kazuhiko, and Kaito, a lot of the jokes he gets from Dai and Roku, a lot of great support from Kai, and the super tight hugs from Rin and Shiori. Even his younger sisters find him really adorable and also look up to him because of his positive attitude and the fact that he never wants to surrender.

6-year-olds Momoko, Makoto, and Mikoto are the younger triplet daughters of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame who have inherited Ayame's courage, determination, and athleticism. These tomboys love to live life to the fullest and are not one to surrender to anybody. Furthermore, they have the strength of elephants to take down opponents while also having the Olympian combat prowess and athleticism to get the job done. They absolutely adore Motoharu, Matsuhige, Mitsuhige, Masataka, Masaya, and Motomu because of their great combat prowess as well as Kenta, Keita, Kuma, Kouta, Kazuhiko, and Kaito for their super strength. Momoko, Makoto, and Mikoto enjoy boxing, kickboxing, marathon-running, and practicing their roars and would love to be as focused as Sesshoumaru, as strong as Inuyasha, and as athletic as Ayame when they grow up.

5-year-olds Maya, Minako, and Meika are the youngest triplet daughters of Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame who have inherited Ayame's determination, courage, and love for nature. These Genki girls are the excitable little firecrackers who know how to liven their family up in every activity they do. Being the babies of the family, they love to have piggy-back rides with their oldest brothers as well as having marathon runs with their eldest sisters. Maya, Minako, and Meika enjoy marathon-running, swimming, diving, acrobatics, and kickboxing. Ergo, they are the most agile in the family.

Enemies better beware when this family starts to unleash their all-powerful roar because it can rival any lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, panther, gorilla, and grizzly bear and it will make their enemies easily tremble. Furthermore, Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Motoharu, Matsuhige, Mitsuhide, Masataka, Masaya, Motomu, Kenta, Keita, Kuma, Kouta, Kazuhiko, and Kaito are capable of turning into their full yokai forms whenever they are provoked and can tear their enemies limb from limb with their bare hands.

These days, 39-year-old Sesshoumaru, 37-year-old Inuyasha, and 35-year-old Ayame continue to be the strong, powerful, and formidable warriors that they are and have a nice army of grandchildren. Furthermore, 31-year-olds Motoharu, Matsuhige, Mitsuhide, Masataka, Masaya, and Motomu, 30-year-olds Kenta, Keita, Kuma, Kouta, Kazuhiko, Kaito, Dai, Roku, and Kai, 28-year-olds Rin and Shiori, 27-year-old Shinta, 26-year-olds Momoko, Makoto, and Mikoto, and 25-year-olds Maya, Minako, and Meika all ended up being married with children and continue to uphold the virtues of valor, determination, and perseverance which has defined their family.

In conclusion, this is a family destined to flourish for all eternity and they shall continue to exude their strength, bravery, and ambition for all the world to see.

I hope you all enjoyed this Inuvember submission and I will see you in the next one. Take care and have a blessed Thanksgiving month, everybody.

Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Dai, Roku, Kai, Rin, Shiori, and Shinta from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.
Feudal Era Japan's Strongest Family.jpg

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