Polyamory in The Inu Family

in inuyasha •  4 years ago 

This screenshot motivational poster is highly Pro-Inu-No-Taisho, Pro-InuKimi, Pro-Izayoi, Pro-Sesshoumaru, Pro-Inuyasha, Pro-Ayame, Pro-TogaKimi, Pro-Togayoi, Pro-SessAya, Pro-InuAya, Pro-KimiTogayoi, and Pro-SessAyaInu all in the OT3 sense. Sit back, relax, and revel in how the generational polyamory has been present in Sesshoumaru's and Inuyasha's family, especially since they passed it down from their father and mothers to their most beloved Ayame.

It seems that polyamory and polygamy run in the Inu family, considering how The Dog General found himself married to both The Dog Lady and Izayoi and both The Dog General's sons, Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, have found themselves in a dynamic three-way relationship with The Wolf Elder's brave granddaughter, Ayame. The result is that Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame have established a firm and huge family, which makes The Dog General, The Dog Lady, and Izayoi really proud of their progeny, their grandchildren, and their great-grandchildren.

One should bear in mind that polyamory and polygamy are the norms in certain cultures, societies, and religions. Most importantly, these can also be based on choice if somebody wants to assume a multi-person relationship. It should not be surprising that The Dog General passed on his way with the ladies to his own two sons, especially since both of them have found themselves married to Ayame of The Northern Yoro Tribe.

Even though these two three-way relationships seem worlds and generations apart, they do bear a lot of attributes in common. They emphasize the importance of flexibility, loyalty, nobility, duty, courage, respect, and unconditional love. At certain occasions, these traits can cause conflict in these two three-way relationships. Nevertheless, each of them has their advantages and disadvantages.

Perhaps what is so common about the three-way dynamics occurring between the KimiTogayoi relationship and the SessAyaInu relationship is the tug-of-war between honor, duty, and respect vs unconditional love, honesty, and authenticity.

Both The Dog General's and Ayame's respective relationships with The Dog Lady and Sesshoumaru are based on the importance of honor, duty, decorum, respect, nobility, class, and status. Both The Dog General and The Dog Lady are aristocrats, which means their sense of marital love bears the foundation of political unity and abundant influence in terms of their duties as nobles, thus using their power to protect and serve as well as rule their kingdom well.

Sesshoumaru's and Ayame's relationship functions in a similar fashion, given that he is a noble with military precision, absolute discipline, and strict decorum and she is a wolf yokai warrior queen with accurate flexibility, fierce strength, and boundless courage.

On the surface, these two relationships might seem drowned by soul-sucking rigidity, but it is far from the truth. The Dog General's relationship with The Dog Lady and Sesshoumaru's relationship with Ayame does bear the element of love in a respectful and composed manner, thus implementing the elements of allegiance and fidelity to maintain a healthy relationship within the confines of powerful influence and challenging each other to reach their fullest potential in their roles as nobles, warriors, and, most importantly, individuals.

The only facet that is different from The Dog General's and The Dog Lady's brand of dutiful love is how Ayame constantly respects the ground Sesshoumaru walks on and treats him with utmost reverence, allegiance, and fidelity. Sesshoumaru would even perceive Ayame as an independent soul who will never give up and would easily respect her with all of his being as well as challenge her perception of herself in order for all the self-doubt to melt away.

Much like their predecessors, Sesshoumaru's and Ayame's conjugal love is also entirely based on political unity, as a means to unite the troops of The Western Lands and The Northern Yoro Tribe. Sesshoumaru is a warrior of decorum as well as lethal accuracy, which makes perfect sense the Aristocratic Assassin has a fearsome yet well-respected reputation among warriors who either dare to oppose him or are steeped with utmost reverence for Sesshoumaru thanks to the strong influence he has on various warriors. Uniting The Western Lands and The Northern Yoro Tribe would signify not just glory and conquest but also a higher status worthy of respect and leadership as well as clout to build a strong following. Ergo, Sesshoumaru's deadly precision and willful ambition do make him a perfect candidate for Ayame to be married to someone of strong political power and influence as well as abundant determination and unwavering strength.

In contrast to the vital socio-political influence of TogaKimi and SessAya, especially where conjugal love is concerned, is the importance of unconditional love, authenticity, and freedom of self-expression found in The Dog General with Izayoi and Inuyasha with Ayame.

Both The Dog General's and Ayame's respective relationships with Izayoi and Inuyasha are based on truthfulness, compassion, attentiveness, perseverance, unconditional love, flexibility, and authenticity. These two pairs of couples stress the importance of being one's self regardless of what others perceive you to be and in this case it is Izayoi who is a human woman and Inuyasha who is a hanyou. Given that The Dog General and Ayame are full yokai, they would still find it within themselves to realize that their spouses are far more than just a sum of their parts. Izayoi is a noblewoman is just, compassionate, kind, nurturing, and selfless which are all traits that The Dog General also acknowledges about her and has a deep and meaningful sense of respect and love for her. Inuyasha may be a hanyou but that does not stop him from being super strong, independent, courageous, fierce, fearless, determined, and a great bearer of fantastic combat skills which are all traits that made Ayame fully appreciate Inuyasha in a way that they are each others' equals, can let their hair down, and just be comfortable with each other without the need of being manipulative or controlling.

The Dog General's and Izayoi's sense of unconditional love is emphasized on how important it is to protect someone. After all, dogs are known for being man's best friend and the loyalty Toga has for Izayoi is unparalleled.

This same sense of loyalty is just as vital in Inuyasha's and Ayame's relationship. There are no ulterior motives, no manipulation, and absolutely no controlling in Inuyasha's and Ayame's harmonious relationship because they truly respect each others' boundaries and appreciate each other for who they really are and not who they think they should be. They care for each other, they listen to each other, and they have seen each others' good and bad sides without ever flinching. That right there is the key to Inuyasha's and Ayame's superbly loving relationship.

Aside from healthy interpersonal dynamics, they also make the most formidable power couple in all of Feudal Era Japan which does get them excellent marks from Sesshoumaru, The Dog General, The Dog Lady, Izayoi, and all of their friends and family. The reason why they are unstoppable is not only thanks to their collective strength, with Inuyasha's muscles, super strength, beastly combat prowess, rock-hard fists, ferocious fangs, iron claws, and the ability to transform in his full yokai state when he gets provoked as well as Ayame's speed, quick reflexes, formidable strength, iron will, steely determination, and animal fierceness being put to fantastic implementation, but also their unwavering spirits, thus giving the term strong in body and mind a whole new and more elevated meaning. Their foes would easily run away from them should they be foolish enough to do battle with both Inuyasha and Ayame and they will not hesitate to strike the first blow as a means to secure an easy victory. Furthermore, their formidable strength is also used to protect their family and friends from all harm, which makes them all the more reliable, trustworthy, and loyal to those they care for.

But wait, you say. Why is Izayoi the only human woman involved in The Dog General's polyamorous relationship? Isn't there another individual who is especially involved in Sesshoumaru's, Inuyasha's, and Ayame's lives to make them understand the indubitable value of compassion? Yes, there is, even though it is not romantic and definitely not in the form of that useless, pathetic, insolent brat in a green school uniform. The one individual who has given Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame a hard-hitting lesson on compassion is none other than their human daughter, Rin. Sure, they have other children in the forms of the hanyos Dai, Roku, and Shiori and yokai in the forms of Kai and Shinta, but Rin is the sole human who has taught them the importance of compassion. Ever since Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame saved her from a certain cowardly excuse of a wolf yokai warrior and his cronies from being eaten alive, Rin was so happy to have had individuals who she not only called her guardians but her parents, after her biological family was unfairly taken away from her. Through being in this family consisting of two fathers and one mother, Rin would be more than happy to have siblings she can love and train to be a strong, formidable warrior in her own right as well as respect and admire her parents to the point of emulation.

When one boils these two sets of three-way relationships from different generations to its rudimentary form, they both bear more in common than they think to the point where it does run in the family. And the results are more than glorious, but also utterly fascinating and worth sinking my teeth into.

In conclusion, both KimiTogayoi and SessAyaInu are exceptional in the own special ways. Whether it is the elegant allegiance found in TogaKimi and SessAya or the genuine authenticity found in Togayoi and InuAya, these two sets of three-way pairings are my OT3s for a reason thanks to how exceptionally flexible they truly are as well as how many great facets there are in each of them.

I hope you all enjoyed this dive into how surprisingly similar KimiTogayoi and SessAyaInu are in terms of throuple dynamics as well as what defines them in terms of what makes their three-way relationships surprisingly legitimate. I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and remember to keep an open mind, everybody.

Toga the Dog General, InuKimi the Dog Lady, Izayoi, Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Ayame from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.
Polyamory in The Inu Family.jpg

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