The Splendid Seven's Fighting Game MentorssteemCreated with Sketch.

in inuyasha •  2 years ago 

Greetings and salutations, Splendid Seven devotees, martial arts aficionados, and hand-to-hand fighting game fans. Antoni here. When I did my written entry focusing on The Splendid Seven's fighting game character inspirations, I was initially quite pleased with it. However, having a more critical second look at it, I know I could do one better for Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran. This version is going to be a bit more modified because the first version, when I look back at it, mostly relied on wild guesses on some characters. I also want to take this up a notch because the fighting game characters from Street Fighter, Tekken, and King of Fighters I have chosen for Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran are not just going to be inspirations but also mentors who will gladly aid and guide them to reach their fullest potential and cut their own paths as fighters, as individuals, and most importantly as a family.

There is no doubt that the following strengthening tactics are going to happen for The Splendid Seven when they are with their mentors. Gouken, Ryu Hoshi, T. Hawk, Charlie Nash, and Kazuya Mishima plus Akuma, Ken Masters, Guile, Alex, and Paul Phoenix could turn Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha into a pair of more powerful, stronger, and mightier Ansatsuken practitioners whose punches, kicks, takedowns, grapples, and submission holds match their beefier muscles of steel. E Honda, Zangief, Hugo, Darun, and Ganryu could further strengthen Shuran's grappling and striking abilities to become a truly powerful and versatile wrestler. Sagat, Dhalsim, Dan Hibiki, Balrog, and Bruce Irvin could make Hakkaku an all-out striker and clincher who can use his entire body to bring opponents to their knees. Adon, Dee Jay, Fei Long, Vega, and Lei Wulong could transform Ginta into a lethal weapon with a great repertory of kicks, punches, and strikes up his sleeve. Chun-Li, Cammy White, Sakura Kasugano, Nina Williams, and Jun Kazama could ensure that Ayame combines strength, agility, and balance in terms of building her body to be a powerful yet lithe weapon with nicely formed sinews. Elena, Ibuki, Karin Kanzuki, Anna Williams, and Michelle Chang could give Shunran space to discover a union between power, agility, and style as a fighter complete with well-developed sinews in all the right places. That is just the short answer. The long answer lies within each Splendid Seven member and their respective seven mentors.

Sesshoumaru is a gold-medal champion in Shotokan, Kyokushin, Mixed Martial Arts, Marine Corps Martial Arts, Brazilian Jujitsu, and Japanese Jujitsu who can also master Ansatsuken, Mishima Style Fighting Karate, Thunderfoot Style Martial Arts, Kyokengryu Karate, and Hybrid Martial Arts that combine Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, Wrestling, and Boxing with his powerful mentors who inject him with huge doses of stealth, strength, balance, and courage.
Gouken from Street Fighter
T. Hawk from Street Fighter
Charlie Nash from Street Fighter
Ryu Hoshi from Street Fighter
Kazuya Mishima from Tekken
Ryo Sakazaki from King of Fighters
Robert Garcia from King of Fighters

Inuyasha is a gold-medal champion in Taekwondo, Hapkido, Pankration, Ancient Greek Wrestling, Ancient Greek Boxing, Kapu Kuialua, and Bokator who also masters Ansatsuken, Mishima Style Fighting Karate, and Hybrid Martial Arts combining Karate, Judo, Wrestling, Boxing, and Jujitsu with his mighty mentors who incorporate him with strength, dedication, determination, and perseverance.
Akuma from Street Fighter
Guile from Street Fighter
Alex from Street Fighter
Ken Masters from Street Fighter
Paul Phoenix from Tekken
Terry Bogard from King of Fighters
Andy Bogard from King of Fighters

Shuran is a gold-medal champion in Sumo Wrestling, Mongolian Wrestling, Professional Wrestling, Ssireum, Turkish Oil Wrestling, Pehlwani, and Malla-yuddha who can also throw himself in with Brazilian Jujitsu, Sambo, and Vale Tudo with all of his being thanks to his extremely macho mentors who imbue him with all the steeliness, ambition, power, strength, and might of any triumphant champion.
E. Honda from Street Fighter
Zangief from Street Fighter
Hugo from Street Fighter
Darun from Street Fighter
Blanka from Street Fighter
Ganryu from Tekken
Akatsuki-Maru from King of Fighters

Hakkaku is a gold-medal champion in Muay Thai, Pradal Serey, Kajukenbo, Panantukan, Dambe, Moraingy, and Taekkyeon who can also implement moves from Boxing, Karate, Taekwondo, and Bushinryu with every fibre of his body and soul thanks to his formidable mentors who make sure that he has might, dedication, a great attitude, reverence, and relentlessness ingrained in his system.
Sagat from Street Fighter
Dhalsim from Street Fighter
Dan Hibiki from Street Fighter
Balrog from Street Fighter
Guy from Street Fighter
Bruce Irvin from Tekken
Joe Higashi from King of Fighters

Ginta is a gold-medal champion in Lethwei, Lethwei, Pencak Silat, Sanda, Hwa Rang Do, Tang Soo Do, Eagle Claw Kung Fu, and Systema who can also prove himself just as phenomenal in Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Boxing, Jeet Kune Do, Kickboxing, and Shaolin Kung Fu with every inch of his heart, mind, body, and soul thanks to his fierce mentors who capitalise on his fearlessness, virility, power, passion, and will to constantly strive to be better.
Adon from Street Fighter
Dee Jay from Street Fighter
Fei Long from Street Fighter
Vega from Street Fighter
Cody Travers from Street Fighter
Lei Wulong from Tekken
Kim Kaphwan from King of Fighters

Ayame is a gold-medal champion in Kickboxing, Nippon Kenpo, Shorinji Kenpo, Boxing, Judo, Krav Maga, and Sambo who is just as outstanding in Shaolin Kung Fu, Aikido, Karate, Koppojutsu, army-based martial arts, and assassination-based martial arts with the passion of a million burning suns helped by her strong mentors who fill her with courage, fortitude, determination, dedication, ambition, tenacity, and toughness.
Chun-Li from Street Fighter
Cammy White from Street Fighter
Sakura Kasugano from Street Fighter
Nina Williams from Tekken
Jun Kazama from Tekken
Mary "Blue Mary" Ryan from King of Fighters
Mai Shiranui from King of Fighters

Shunran is a gold-medal champion in Capoeira, Shaolin Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Wushu, Baguazhang, Changquan, and Northern Praying Mantis who is just as amazing in Koppojutsu, Kickboxing, Ninjutsu, and assassination-based martial arts with all of the love she can give to each and every martial art she practices on a daily basis helped by her fearless mentors who encourage her with so much valour, guts, stamina, positive attitude, and vitality.
Elena from Street Fighter
Ibuki from Street Fighter
Karin Kanzuki from Street Fighter
Anna Williams from Tekken
Michelle Chang from Tekken
Athena Asamiya from King of Fighters
Li Xiangfei from King of Fighters

With mentors such as the ones I have chosen for Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran, I can see The Splendid Seven grow into much stronger fighters both physically and mentally. The five Yokai warrior men are going to be just as muscular, pumped up, and full of iron as their mentors are to the point where women want them for their buff bodies and the men would love to be just as built as they are. Although if you ask Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta, they already have wonderful women they are much too dedicated to separate from and have filled them with a lot of love. For Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, it is Ayame who is their source of a united and harmonious home. For Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta, it is Shunran who ensures happiness and joy to be pervasive in the family. The two Yokai warrior women are going to be just as sleek, well built, and flexible as their mentors are to the point where their gorgeous bodies have developed in the right places, thus attracting tender attention from men and admiration from women. Just like their darling hunks, Ayame and Shunran are much too dedicated and loving towards Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha as well as Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta respectively. No doubt would all of their mentors be really proud of their exceptional protégés and can only wish them well in their paths as strong warriors.

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