Dear All:
I STILL don’t want a cell tower installed on a street lamp outside my home or children’s school? Do you?
California had an historic victory when Governor Brown vetoed SB 649 in California stopping the deployment of cell towers on every street! However, there are two federal bills before Congress NOW that will make this all legal: S.19 (The Mobile Now Act) and S.1988 (The SPEED Act). Will you join me and Americans for Responsible Technology in Opposing S.19, and S.1988? The wireless industry has been "secretly" introducing legislation in the U.S. Congress designed to take away every American city's authority to control where Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile locate their cell towers.
I don’t want a cell tower installed on a street lamp outside my home! The FCC is streamlining the deployment of thousands of 4G small cell towers NOW on an unprecedented scale (and paving the way for hundreds of thousands more 5G antennas in the future) and this could be happening in your neighborhood if you don’t act NOW and contact your member of Congress! These industry bills will allow powerful wireless transmitters to be installed (along with their noisy and large power equipment) to any utility pole or street lamp in any public right of way in America. Most utility poles or street lamps will become cell towers on every block leaving the public with no input OR legal recourse, and vulnerable to privacy and security risks.
The public has not agreed to cell towers in their front yards! Real estate values will significantly decline near base stations and antennas. All of us, as taxpayers, will be footing the bill while the telecom companies profit HUGELY.
Will you sign my new petition? Click here to add your name (please include first and last):
Contrary to assurances by AT&T and Verizon, the “safety” of wireless exposure has NEVER been proven and there is growing science showing increased health risks, especially for children and pregnant women. I worry about the science showing health risks. Do you? Safety limits have not been updated since the 1990s and the FCC’s guidelines were derived from industry, and there is no monitoring or compliance testing of cell towers.
A recent $25 million study by the U.S. National Toxicology Program of the National Institutes of Health found increased incidences of brain cancer, malignant tumors of the heart and DNA damage in laboratory animals from microwave wireless exposure levels the FCC considers "safe"!
That's why I created a petition as it will be sent to members of Congress in Washington D.C, which says:
"We oppose S.19 (The Mobile Now Act) and S.1988 (The SPEED Act). Stop the gross expansion of cell towers and antennas on every city and town in America, and stop corporate interests from overriding local governance and taking away citizen rights and legal recourse. "
For more information about educational campaigns on cell towers and safer technology in your area, don't miss the new documentary film, Generation Zapped. You can host a screening now! Go to to sign up or to watch the trailer.