RE: Are we witnessing the end of Germany

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Are we witnessing the end of Germany

in invasion •  9 years ago 

1:15 sorry but this is total bullshit. This girl obviously doesnt live in a city or has never been in a ghetto. You kidding me? Go to Spanish Harlem and look how many Puerto Rican flags you'll see. It may not look quite like that street but when you make an issue of people's nationality they tend to respond by making it more obvious. If you kow anything about the freedom of expression you shut up about people expressing loyalty or love or whatever to whatever country they so wish, wherever they happen to live. Your totalitarian attitude is more disturbing than their Turkish flags. You know what? Dont go there if you dont like Turks. Over fed and educated westerners are in no position to lecture anyone about assimilating. They are assimilating, you're just too clueless to see it.

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Actually she lives in Vancouver BC.......and she has been all over the world.

I get what you are saying first thought was the Olympics and supporting their country. But if you take a look at some parts of England, France etc. There are literally areas you do not want to go if you are not muslim....and in some cases, that depends on what kind of muslim you are as well. We do not have the problem here in Canada, which was my point in the first place.