Steemit Interesting Opportunities [SIO] Episode 2: SNGULAR - A Revolution in Entertainment

in investing •  9 years ago 

Before you read any further, please check out SIO Episode 1: The Genesis Post. This post explains what SIO is and also introduces the idea for the STEEMITSIO token.

Welcome to SIO Episode 2: SNGULAR - A Revolution in Entertainment

The topic for this interesting opportunity is the upcoming ICO for SingularDTV.

Before we begin, let's give a little disclaimer: With any investment, remember to only invest what you can afford to lose, or what you can afford to wait for a return on. Remember, you are funding a coin, company, idea or project. This can take time. This can fail. Do your own due diligence. Bitcoin and digital currency is a very exciting space, but there are risks and scams around every corner.

Now, what is SingularDTV?

The simple answer is a production and distribution platform for original film and television content. It is built on Ethereum. Singular's goal is to create a decentralized entertainment industry.

According to their website S-DTV will offer:

  • A Blockchain Entertainment Studio
  • Smart Contract Rights Management Platform
  • Video On-Demand Portal

The film industry is filled with extremely complicated deals, contracts and payment structures. These are not always transparent or fair to content creators. S-DTV is looking to raise $7.5 Million in funding to change this. 

This platform will change the way the industry currently works, and is being created by leaders in their respective fields.

S-DTV will also produce their own original episodic tv series, a sci-fi adventure, Singular. On top of that, S-DTV will also have a documentary division, and the first documentary is The Ethereum World Computer. Their idea is to produce content aimed toward people who are not aware of the benefits of blockchain and decentralization. They want to produce documentaries that are easily digestible, without all the technical jargon that many outside of the bitcoin space may not understand. This could be a great way to grow the platform and the the overall digital user base that S-DTV may provide.

Check out the complete overview here

Why is SingularDTV an interesting opportunity? 

If you had heard of Netflix before it was actually created, would you have invested? Netflix changed the way media is distributed. It was a paradigm shift that put Blockbuster and brick and mortar rental stores out of business... quickly.

Now, imagine the creation of a Netflix-like platform that allows content creators to sell, lease, rent their original content, direct to the consumer, in such a way that anytime you spend money on the platform, you can see where your money is going, in a completely transparent platform. This is what we are talking about here. This is a win for content creators, consumers, and the entertainment industry as a whole. 

One of the biggest game changers for Netflix was the shift to producing Netflix Original content. This made a huge impact and changed their business model. Singular will be very different but also the same. Not only are you investing in a platform, but the creation of a new tv series and documentaries. 

When you buy into Singular, you will receive a portion of the SNGLS token on the Ethereum blockchain. These tokens will allow for revenue sharing, voting and governance. I will not dig into the details as I am still researching the impact of revenue sharing. It is a lot to take in, but they do explain this in the overview that is linked above. They do intend to add the SNGLS token to exchanges for trading. However, while you may see profit from trading, if the value of the token goes up, remember, there may be benefits and profit from holding the token if the platform and content are successful. 

If you are interested in participating in the ICO, you can follow this handy wallet creation video. I really love the wallet creation and wish that many other ICOs would follow suit with such an easy wallet creation as well as a short video tutorial like SingularDTV did. You can also check out their complete listing of videos about this project. And you should definitely check out an interview with SingularDTV's Founder and CEO, Zach Lebeau.

I hope you enjoyed this episode of SIO. See you soon for more interesting opportunities. Remember to upvote and reply. And don't forget to include your Counterparty wallet address in a reply to earn STEEMITSIO tokens for future rewards and contests!

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Interesting post. Good to see I'm not the only one that is thinking about this. Buy and hold for the upcoming 3 years and the blockchain market will find it's way. I was researching a way to find more info about the current cryptocoins on the market. I found this great website: Supposingly they researched every crypto coin in the scene based on: the team, the product, advisors, community, the business and the business model. They even score the coins stengths. Check for example: To watch SingularDTV Detailed report