Stock Market:
Well after last weeks sideshow with Elon Musk acting inappropriate during an earnings report conference call which tanked the stock. I knew it would rebound because the earnings report beat expectations and had a very positive outlook. On Mon and Tues TSLA went from 290-304. Been sideways since then so i got out at the right time.
Its been pumping all week in anticipation of earnings. I played the run up and made enough money on the hype to be completely satisfied and pulled out just prior to earnings. But at the last minute i said: Ehh... they've gotta be strong so i bought a call... way outside the money as a gamble. I was correct.. they completely blew away the numbers. Expectations were 1.40/share and they made 2.06/share with an increase expected in Quarter 2. But the stock dropped after the report... not very much but it should have gone up in my opinion. The market is weird like that sometimes... what more could you want from a company and for some reason it moves in the opposite direction.
Facebook has just been crushing it. Up a few points every day. Easy money. From Mon-Thurs it was $$$. Facebook you are the only one I can count on.
**All pictures that were not from my iPhone where taken from bing and google search engine