Dividend earners for the long term portfolio

in investing •  7 years ago 

Making Money Is The Point!

Some dividend stocks have quite appealing yields, but usually at a price. Looking at the classic dividend paying stocks we can see a pretty weak outlook from an investing perspective. Oil giant Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) has been rated as a Hold by analysts so it may not be a good time to buy. Dividend oldheads General Electric (NYSE:GE) and Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG) are also experiencing less than favorable share prices. If you are going down the dividend route, it makes sense to find stocks that are also performing well. Performance is a key indicator of growth regardless of the dividend yield. Why buy a dividend stock that is fallin? t makes no sense. Buying well performing assets wil allow you some flexibility to make sales when a profitable move occurs. This means you can cash in sooner and avoid potential loosses from a bad stock pick.

Lets take a look at some of the Dividend stocks that are likely to provide you with consistent year over year growth along with dividends.


The Boeing Company AKA Boeing, is a top aerospace corporation, which mainly manufactures commercial jetliners as well as numerous defense and space contracts around the world. With Boeings solid history of growth and the prospect of continued growth in its main sectors of defense and aerospace technology Boeing is a Divident stock that is sure to grow while you hold it.

Boein is currently up 49% since this time in 2017, that beats most indexes growth margins by a huge percentage! in todays world COmpanies like Boeing benefit greatly from their connections with governments and militaries around the world. If you are interested in a stable, value stock with growth potential and dividends then Boeing is your First choice. It is a litte pricey at $348.30 per share but you can buy partial shares over on the Stash app or maybe invest in an ETF with exposure to the defense sector.

Boeings dividend is: 1.93%


Stepping away from the defense industry my next pecommendation is a household name that we all have been influenced by. The Walt Disney Company, is a international diverse entertainment and media corporation. It focuses on Media Networks, Parks & Resorts, Studio Entertainment and Consumer Products. This stock is afavorite because of all the big moves happening within the corporation, the most popular of which is Disneys purchase of 90% of 20th century Fox's assets including parts of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Even with the recent Starwars controversy Disney has proven that it can acquire and produce some of the worlds best content.

Adding Disney to your portfolio last year would have earned you a modest 7% return but the future potential of this company is boundless. Currently Disney shares rest at around $114, but may soon pump up after its coming earning call on August, 7th 2018. Analysts are optimistic about this stocks future with 48% rating it as a buy and another 48% rating it as a hold. Disney being one of the worlds largest entertainment corporations means that its stock is likely to continue to grow and you get a sweet dividend to boot!

Disney's dividend is: 1.58%

Investco S&P 500 Low Volatility ETF

ETF's are the current dividend champs as far as being able to find a balance between performance and price. SPLV is the ticker symbol for Investco which tracks the movement of the S&P 500 in a low volatility portfolio. Currently SPLV is up about 10% since this time in 2017, moving through $49 as the market rises this week. This stock is a great buy for the budget investor, because of its longterm growth potential.

SPLV has a dividend of: 2.41%

Earnings are the point

Making returns on your investment is the whole point ofdividend investing, Some folks might tell you its cool to grab those underperformers while they are falling. Thats not my advice, I say if its a short term (1 week-1 month) dip then by all means buy the dip, but when it is a prolonged short like GE I suggest avoiding until the fundamental issues are resolved. Buying value stocks when things like Donald Trump happen to the market will help ensure higher probabilities of earning. Buy the dip when it is logical to do so, this trade war nonsense will cause volatility and give you many buying opportunities in the days to come. Remember investinng is a long game, be prepared for the haul and you'll find wealth at the end of th journey.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://profitribes.com/dividend-earners-for-the-long-term-portfolio/

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