***this is a mini 4 part series ***
Like a farmer planting seed and not seeing the harvest for some time or waiting patiently for your car to get fixed. Everything takes a little time to grow, so trust the process. Here are 4 stages I believe are essential when investing. This opinion comes from experience and personal investments I’ve been successful in and lost out of. For the first:
- Emotional stage: some may say emotions are bad for investing, others may call “emotion” a a polar opposite word along side the term “investment “ but I say they go hand in hand in specific instances and can be important. For example when you have a new idea in front of you, you really only have emotion to go off of. How many do you think were moved emotionally to invest in crypto in the beginning stages vs those that emotionally disregarded it? Also how can you tell what will be successful and will not? The answer is you really can’t tell. I can’t tell you how many times I find a new idea showing a promising future only to find it failed 😨 , or maybe was too scared to invest in a idea but it was successful because I moved on the data that was just not there, or on the other side of the spectrum I’ve also invested in ideas that moved me and were successful . However, don’t loose heart that’s the name of the game with investing in new ideas. It’s about investing in ideas that move you, move your emotions and can make a change for good or maybe you just think is really cool. So as you can see emotion is important and needed to invest in ideas that have no real backing or proof. I’m not saying throw logic out the window, however investing is a risk overall, so yes only invest what your willing to loose and do your research, however at some point you have to either choose to not invest or invest .
Q for you all: when it comes investing into new ideas that you know your taking a chance on, what kind of emotions do you go off of? Fear of the unknown , excitement of the unknown, a gut feeling? Please leave your comments and stay tuned next week.