Trading Environmentalist VS. The Financial Markets

in investing •  7 years ago 

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The main objective in trading is to be in profit, aka make money. If you tell people you're a trader they immediately thing gold digger, a person who has no morals or scruples in his drive towards success.

The image of a trader has further deteriorated when rogue institutional traders were found guilty of market manipulation and embezzlement.

So the question we should be asking is: Are there any traders out there who are good people?

Let's assume I'm an environmental trader. I don't want to sacrifice my beliefs and moral stand just to make money. So what can I do?

The answer: I can focus on markets that eliminate the use of fossil fuels. I can focus on renewable energy markets. I can focus on supporting companies that use and work on green energy and better batteries. There are plenty of options for a well oriented trader.

Most critics of this type of approach will say it is more emotional than technical. However, that's not necessarily true.

I can be moved by emotion and still invest completely in line with my belief and the rules of technical analysis.

For example. Let's say I believe in what Tesla is doing. I only buy the Tesla stock when it's going UP after dipping to a support level. I never open a sell position to make money from the stock's falling price. When I exit my position it is simply a matter of my money/risk management.

I could trade other stocks and commodities in a similar fashion.

If you're against something such as the production of crude oil you could be selling it when it reaches the price resistance levels, reversing the whole process. However falling prices of crude oil can also have a negative impact on jobs and other factors. Falling prices in general will cause some misery somewhere, no matter how short lived it is.

I believe it's better karma to stay positive and invest in expansion.

Of course my opened positions will not influence the price of assets in any noticeable way, my trades are miniscule, but that's besides the point. I am responsible for my own actions and the not actions of others so as long as I'm true to my beliefs and stick with my trading rules I should be able to introduce myself as an Environmental Trader, or no?

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