The Criminal Element Has Done Everything It Could To Opaque The Data

in investing •  5 years ago  (edited)

  Great and Wonderful Hump Day Morning Folks,    

      Gold is trading lower in the early morning with the December price at $1,535.70, down $4.50 and close to the low at $1,535 with the high to beat at $1,542.80. Silver is trading lower in December’s contract and higher in the Sept with December’s trade at $18.585, down 4.3 cents after hitting as low as $18.53 with the high to beat at $18.75. The US Dollar is the reason why the metals are not trading higher under our currency but it will (soon enough) with the value pegged at 98.33, up 40.3 points and near the high at 98.34 with a low we need to see get clocked at 97.965. All of this “Strong Dollar Policy” activity that is still in play, was done before 5 am pst, the Comex open, and the London close.    

      We have a mish mash mix up in the emerging markets today with the currency calculators being in a “whack” mode this morning. In Venezuela, Gold is now priced at 15,337.80 Bolivar adding an additional 75.9 Bolivar to the price with Silver now at 185.62 Bolivar showing the metal of the people lost 0.20 in its Bolivar value. Argentina’s Peso now has Gold priced at 86,842.75 Pesos showing a loss of 138.09 Pesos with Silver now at 1,050.98 Pesos showing a loss of 8.08 in A-Peso value. In Turkey the Lira now has Gold priced at 8,705.12 Lira, showing a gain of 14.29 with Silver at 105.33 showing a loss of 0.45 in T-Lira value.    

      The winding down of the September deliveries in Silver continue with the total demand for physical now at 20 fully paid for contracts waiting for receipts and with a Volume of 14 up on the board this morning with a trading price at $18.57. This is an increase of 5.3 cents from yesterday’s close and proving 16 contracts got settled out either on receipts here or those illusive and vague EFP’s going to London. Yesterday’s Volume stayed at 3 all day long and the idea the exchange gave me personally as an excuse still remains opaque here. They claim the Volume also holds spread counts (entry/exit) with no price to observe. I hope the Criminal Element is forced to release this data on a regular basis for all to see in the future. All Transactions Matter in accounting!!      

      Silver’s Overall Open Interest remains elevated with today’s early morning count at 215,424 Overnighters showing a reduction of 395 Obligations since yesterday morning’s tally showing us the Resolutes are still hanging in there over the past 3 years. Today is October Options Expiration Day for both Silver and Gold with tomorrow being the last trading day for September Deliveries. October has never been a good delivery month for both metals but we are still watching to see what the Options Board may do to the count and if there is more to come. We’ll remain optimistic no matter what happens because the math doesn’t jive and we all know the Criminal Element has done everything it could to opaque the data we need to see.     

      As far as the Criminal Element is concerned, they have been catering to the globalists that have circumvented our laws in order to keep control of our monetary system and away from our countrymen. President Trump still seems to be channeling Andrew Jackson when he spoke yesterday at the UN after a little 16 year old sophomore proved the education levels of science are not taught very much science these days but lots of emotion is! Trump spoke at the Den of Vipers gathering and made statements that continue to make my heart go pitter patter “The Future Does Not Belong To Globalists “. Trump also tore into the Open Border and War propagandists groups and even stated clearly the transgressions of Chinese Barbarian Management (an accurate title to this historical approach) even though he didn’t use the term itself, his descriptions are spot on.     

      Timing is everything and with that, we looked into the most recent “news” that is not being used by the media, which is why we are here. 

September 9 - IG notifies Congress of whistleblower complaint 

September 10 John Bolton resigns (Trump says he was fired, Bolton strenuously disputes this.) 

September 11 Trump suddenly releases Ukraine aid which he’d withheld since July

Now we ask; Is John Bolton the whistleblower?   Let us observe the Congressional Hearing ... 

      We’ll just wait all this out as the party that can’t seem to get a real accusation past a judge in a court room setting, continues to try, at the same time we observe that the money supplies are still running into more money shortages as the game of paper continues to lose steam. So hang on tight to the real physicals, keep a positive attitude in the head, keep that smile on your face no matter what …   

Stay Strong! 

J. Johnson  

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The October Calls in Silver are now expired as of 2 minutes ago. The Open Interest Totals in Oct 2019, at $18.05 and below, total 9,175 In the money Calls … With the Open Interest in October Silver at 1,431 … Maybe we will see something of a bump in Open Interest in Oct tomorrow. Regardless, the Criminal Element is still working because it’s allowed to …. (for now)

Stay Strong!
J. Johnson