Day Twenty One (21) of my investment, $1,240.00 in loans

in investment •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello steemit community, my crypto investment journey continues for twenty-one (21) days. If you are reading this for the first, I have invested $1010 in bitconnect.

Image source: Pixabay by Michael Wuensch

So how is so far,

Lending Wallet details

Image source: securetalk images

I reinvested $20 today, so my total loan amount is $1,240.00, and I have earned $231.94.

Image source: securetalk

If you have doubts, do not sign up.

My bitconnect sponsor name if you are interested in signing up: cointalk

My Genesis mining affiliate code for a 3% discount if you are interested in purchasing hashing power: kYAFGP

"Failure is when you stop trying."

"They say patience is a virtue."

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Will be giving a mining update on my Genesis Mining shortly.

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don't worry in due time you will be happy bit connect Choo Choo to the moon