There are 2 mindsets that exist in our lives, namely investments and Expense.
Investment Mindset
The investment mindset is a thought that includes all activities that a person does as an investment. one does not believe that what will be an asset or capital for the long term or short term. The amount of ROI is determined based on the right time and investment spent. For example, someone considers attending a workshop related to auditing for 5 million an investment that can increase capital related to knowledge, informal education, and networking.Expense Mindset
The expense mindset is a thought in which all the activities a person does are a expense. For example, attending a seminar that pays 500 k and is carried out a day is a expense for energy, time, and money for someone. Whatever is done is deemed to add to the expense and will be detrimental to life, such as the concept of the Profit and Loss Statement.
In an informal forum a practitioner once said "Don't let what you are a spending that continues to reduce your income, but what you are an investment that continues to increase your assets or capital"