Cryptocurrency | February | January | December |
Bot 1 | 0% | 0% | 0% |
BTC | 0% | 0% | 0% |
ETH | 0% | 0% | 0% |
EOS | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Bot 2 | +0,69% | +0,24% | +0.09% |
BTS/bitCNY | 86,89 bitUSD | 86,38 bitUSD | 82,24 bitUSD |
ETH/bitUSD | 520,87 bitUSD | 386,86 bitUSD | 444,91 bitUSD |
BTC/bitUSD | 606,68 bitUSD | 541,52 bitUSD | 665,72 bitUSD |
EOS/bitUSD | 178,59 bitUSD | 164,41 bitUSD | 190,79 bitUSD |
VIZ/bitRuble | 27,86 bitUSD | 36,9 bitUSD | 27,67 bitUSD |
Total return | +0,62% | +0,15% | +0.06% |
Buy, burn and sell new tokens
6,67 bitUSD was spent to buyback tokens from the market. 3,3321 XCHNG.FUND was burned, at the moment investors still have 1343,0686 tokens. The maximum buyback price was 1,9998 bitUSD. New tokens were not sold in February.
Portfolio at the beginning of the month
Portfolio | March | February | January |
BTC | 0,0456 | 0,0494 | 0,0389 |
ETH | 1,94 | 2,42 | 2,09 |
BTS | 2163 | 1999 | 2103 |
EOS | 55,7 | 54,1 | 50,1 |
bitUSD | 595,89 | 394,52 | 610,44 |
bitCNY | 72,58 | 96,79 | 72,58 |
bitRuble | 0 | 0 | 0 |
VIZ | 9286,3 | 9224,1 | 9224,1 |
The estimated value | 2170,84 bitUSD | 1775,67 bitUSD | 2160,2 bitUSD |
The token price | 1,62 bitUSD | 1,32 bitUSD | 1,6 bitUSD |
Official channel in Telegram: @tre_fund
Chat for discussion: @tre_fund_support
Trading tokens on the exchange