🎉 57 Days in a Row of 1000X Done Donations 🤯
Day |
Date |
Done Donation (STEEM) |
Block Link |
1 | 07/05/2024 | 0.000 STEEM | f3c8bdf1eb2d5e7eeb6a53bf2b0fb0f9e8b6e29e |
2 | 07/06/2024 | 1.000 STEEM | c7dcebb7f0c1b3ee1e5ca35bfcccdcf9e8b5d66a |
3 | 07/07/2024 | 2.000 STEEM | d7dd6f52c0fb8b5e1ca9bf3cd5d8b1a89e8aae48 |
4 | 07/08/2024 | 3.000 STEEM | 9b52c7f2e3afbbd1f0c35cd0f5d8ba8ee8aa85e7 |
5 | 07/09/2024 | 4.000 STEEM | c2c9f3bbceec1b6e7c8d16dcd42ee98ee8ab23c5 |
6 | 07/10/2024 | 5.000 STEEM | f2aa7e35f1b0ccf53f9d0c8bdfba9ceee8ac66bc |
7 | 07/11/2024 | 6.000 STEEM | dcf8e38d1ddfcfe3c2b5b9bcf77df5ceee8ac0eb |
8 | 07/12/2024 | 7.000 STEEM | 5c2e29f6b6d3cdaf1eeb4e9efcebeecfe8ac11cf |
9 | 07/13/2024 | 8.000 STEEM | e8c4d5b6f7e9c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
10 | 07/14/2024 | 9.000 STEEM | d2b5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11df |
11 | 07/15/2024 | 10.000 STEEM | c2f5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
12 | 07/16/2024 | 20.000 STEEM | f2c5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11df |
13 | 07/17/2024 | 40.000 STEEM | d2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
14 | 07/18/2024 | 50.000 STEEM | c2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11df |
15 | 07/19/2024 | 60.000 STEEM | e2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
16 | 07/20/2024 | 70.000 STEEM | d2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11df |
17 | 07/21/2024 | 80.000 STEEM | c2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
18 | 07/22/2024 | 90.000 STEEM | e2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11df |
19 | 07/23/2024 | 100.000 STEEM | d2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
20 | 07/24/2024 | 200.000 STEEM | c2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11df |
21 | 07/25/2024 | 500.000 STEEM | e2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
22 | 07/26/2024 | 1000.000 STEEM | d2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11df |
23 | 07/27/2024 | 2000.000 STEEM | c2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
24 | 07/28/2024 | 5000.000 STEEM | e2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11df |
25 | 07/29/2024 | 10000.000 STEEM | d2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
26 | 07/30/2024 | 20000.000 STEEM | c2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11df |
27 | 07/31/2024 | 50000.000 STEEM | e2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
28 | 08/01/2024 | 100000.000 STEEM | d2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
29 | 08/02/2024 | 200000.000 STEEM | c2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
30 | 08/03/2024 | 500000.000 STEEM | e2e5cfcf6e7c1ee2cdbeecfecebecfe8ac11de |
How to get the values from the table and put them in a list? You can use any programming language, but I would prefer python.
Here is the example of how it should look like:
values = [
{"value": 1000.000, "date": "07/29/2024"},
{"value": 20000.000, "date": "07/30/2024"},
# ... and so on
You can see the pattern that the value is always in the format XXXXXXX.XXXX
and the date is always in the format MM/DD/YYYY
Here is how you could do it using python.
First, we need to get the data from the table. We'll use BeautifulSoup for this task. Install it with pip:
pip install beautifulsoup4 requests
Then we can make a simple script like this:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
table = soup.find('table', {'class': 'your-class'})
values = []
for row in table.find_all('tr'):
cols = row.find_all('td')
if len(cols) == 2:
value_str = cols[0].text
date_str = cols[1].text
# Remove the $ and , from value_str
value_str = value_str.replace('$', '').replace(',', '')
# Split date_str into month, day and year
month, day, year = date_str.split('/')
date_str = f"{month}/{day}/{year}"
values.append({"value": float(value_str), "date": date_str})
should be replaced with the URL to your table. Also note that I assumed the class of the table in the html is 'your-class'
, you should replace it with the actual class.
If there are other tables on the page, this script will get values from all of them, so if you have multiple tables and only one has the data you need, you'll need to adjust the script accordingly.