ripple & stellar are flying and bitcoin also taking flight

in investment •  6 years ago 

ripple lattest price according to coinmarketcap site source of screenshot link

source of stellar price screenshot

Bitcoin lattest price according to coinmarketcap site source of screenshot link

Wow situation is going to creat, no one know what is going to be happend, i think crypto market is now in fly mood, and every coin in this race are going high.but here is strange position has been noted that ripple is banking coin, and going very fast , .

now one know what is its close points. in last 12 hours ripple ,stellar and bitcoin are playing good job. specially stellar is now double in last day position.

my advise

it is not time to buy any coin, i think this time we should take rest , should observe about situation, last year ripple went to around 4 dollar but fall down to 0.80 in one week.

so here many people worry about ripple flight but we should be keep in mind that it is crypto market , here any things can be possible,, and stellar and ripple are best coin.

stellar vs ripple

in my view stellar and ripple both are good asset , if you wana invest for long term then it is best time to buy stellar, stellar is cheap still, but ripple is now high , so it is again i will repeat best time to buy stellar,

i have great hope in end of year stellar will be about one dollar or abvoe. and ripple will be around 5 dollar.

best of luck and enjoy crypto market boom boom

here i wana clear do not buy any coin on my advise , before buying starting any trade , please get help , do search,


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I read your post very well and write it & thanks

yes sure, i have read it, and also working