Bitcoin "The Canary Down the Mine" for a Failed Financial System. From triggering the dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ buy alert, Bitcoin (BTC) has seen a head spinning growth of no less than x 38.04 to the current price of $17,191.20. Remains Bullish.

in investors-group •  7 years ago 

Cryptocurrency News: #Investors-Group

#Bitcoin Price Chart


#Bitcoin #dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ Screen

BITCOIN dMAs screen.png

#Bitcoin: The Canary Down the Mine for a Failed Financial System


It should come at not great surprise to Regular Readers of my Blog that I have been banging on about the fact that #Bitcoin is simply "The Canary Down the Mine" for a Failed Financial System.

Is Bitcoin the canary in the Coal Mine for a Failed Financial System.png

#Bitcoin: Technical Analysis

#Bitcoin triggered a #dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ buy alert Signal on 11-Dec-2015 at $451.94.

From triggering the #dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ buy alert, #Bitcoin has seen a staggering growth of no less than x 38.04 to the current price of $17,191.20.

With a current Market Capital of approx. $289 billion #Bitcoin maintains its dominance of the #CryptoCurrency Market after seeing an explosive growth over the last 2 years.

#Bitcoin Target Price

Despite the total utter garbage and continued vomiting diarrhoea coming from the Mainstream Narrative, pushing through the Mainstream News as supposedly fact that #Bitcoin will fail, I maintain a Strong Bullish Target of +$1,000,000 per #Bitcoin.

Last month during a Live Webinar Event I made a Presentation and covered #Bitcoin.

Here is a small selection of some of the slides I used.

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#Bitcoin Current Price

Current price of $17,191.20.


#Bitcoin Conclusion

I maintain a Strong BULLISH recommendation on #Bitcoin and despite that recommendations coming from so called Financial Analysts and Experts that are dead against #Bitcoin, I will stick rigid to my prediction with conviction and without compromise.

#Bitcoin is heading to +$1,000,000 make no mistake..!!

Have a great day.

Thanks again for reading.


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Agreed totally, "Bitcoin" is the digital gold...Just like printing fiat currency depends on country's gold deposits, developing new crypto-curreny or launching an ICO is based on Bitcoin as reserve asset.... Buying any crypto-currency requires Bitcoin, there is still no crypto that can instantly convert from fiat currency to cryto-currency, so Bitcoin is the only gateway to enter crypto world. Bitcoin will always remain bullish till we have blockchain technology in existence.

Bitcoin will always remain bullish till we have blockchain technology in existence.

Nailed it.. !! Stephen


Real Bullish BTC

I think bitcoin is just like gold who have this gold he is successful

I like your post, give me a lot of motivation, do not forget my vote

good work

Aren't you concerned about manipulation now the there's a futures market?

Bitcoin Futures are a total joke..!! They may as call them "Bitcoin Bananas" as far as I am concerned. If anything, they will simply magnify the real problem and accelerate the implosion of the current garbage system. Anyone shorting #Bitcoin as a long term future is either suicidal or completely bonkers..!! Stephen

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I don't dispute that's all fake but it appears that many people who are in bitcoin don't realize it and markets are all about sentiment. Ripple is taking off and that is a fiat currency.

It's going to be interesting to see how the battle with ripple plays out over the coming months - the visionary decentralised bitcoin v the old world bankers' choice

Bitcoin it's just a baby right now.
It's gonna take some time, the edge is far way.

we have seen at the beginning of stepping bitcoin doubtful. and now people have seen incredible bitcoin growth.