I live in Mississippi and i have a 10week old baby.... my sister lives in a different state and has a 5 week old baby... my sister has hep C and i do not both our babies have the same problems could be our genitics i dont know but never the less i have my doctor doing everything he can to help my son but her on the other hand they wont do anything for her but pass her off to someone else... the hospital where she is has done it the babies doctor tells her there is nothing wrong with her baby when clearly there is... the baby has so far come back negitive for hep C but still he has blue finger nails always gasping for air and has a hard time sleeping... im no doctor by no means but correct me if im wrong but sounds to me as if that baby needs oxygen and like i said not a doctor but dosent laxk of oxygen cause brain damage... its my belief that if they were so scared of getting hep C or any other blood disease they shouldn't have become a doctor in the first place bc they will come in contact with much worse things over the course of their career
Mini rant
8 years ago by taniajones (26)