Ionic 4 - What is coming?

in ionic •  6 years ago 

Hello everybody, as you all know The Ionic team has been working hard on Ionic 4 and his new aggregates technologies/tools and concepts: Stencil, Capacitor, Ionic Native 5 and Ionic PWA Toolkit. The main goal is to make Ionic a powerful framework-agnostic library for building mobile (progressive) web apps that have first class access to native device features.

With the v4 release of Ionic you will be able to use Ionic Components with React, Vue, Angular or with no framework at all. The major components toward the new Ionic is Stencil and Capacitor.

Ionic 4 brings with it some solid changes such as internal code refactoring with Stencil and the option to use other frameworks instead of Angular but, for all intents and purposes, developers should be able to continue developing their applications with minimal impact on the way they currently do that.

Follow below a little overview and references about this awesome buzz, we are all excited about this.


StencilJS is the new compiler to build standards compliant Web Components using the current age principles like Typescript, JSX, Virtual DOM, asynchronous rendering pipleline and lazy-loading.


What are Web Components?

Web Components is a combination of multiple HTML & JS Specs like Custom Elements & Shadow DOM which enable us to create highly standardised reusable components which can work similarly accross any framework like React, Angular, Ember, Vue or Vanilla JS.



Capacitor is a cross-platform API and code execution layer that makes it easy to call Native SDKs from web code and to write custom Native plugins that your app might need. Additionally, Capacitor provides first-class Progressive Web App support so you can write one app and deploy it to the app stores, and the mobile web.


Ionic Native 5


Everything is still under development and in the alpha version! but soon great news are on the way and will certainly revolutionize the way you can build cross-platform apps that can run everywhere: mobile platforms, Web, as PWAs, and Desktop.

More references

[references are still being updated...]

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