Interview with @ionlysaymeep

in ionlysaymeep •  7 years ago 

Hello @ionlysaymeep, I was thinking on the other day...

Let's do an interview with MEEP!

I have a couple of questions I would like to ask you. So let's make them public.

I've also invited RoadRunner

Since he might understand you better...

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Whenever you want, come along @ionlysaymeep! The post is curated, so if you were afraid of the crowd, you are now free of trouble. =)

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

AMAZING! 2nd time! =) Note: Meep keeps not showing up... Helloowowww @ionlysaymeep

LOL! Congrats mate :]

Question #1: Will you ever do a RESTEEM?
RoadRunner (translator): Beeep beep! Bludum!

Question #2: Do you know how many times you said "MEEP"?
RoadRunner (translator): Beep beep beep beep beep!

Question #3: Complete the sentence by responding with two words... "My _______ is ________!"
RoadRunner (translator): Blubludum! Beep beep!

Question #4: Imagine you are driving a classic 60's car and you meet at the stop-signal, side-by-side with a convertible Mustang GTR driven by a beautiful lady. What would do?
RoadRunner (translator): Beeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Question #5: If you do not have an alphabetic keyboard, how do you MEEP?
RoadRunner (translator): Be eep beep! um!

I think @ionlysaymeep is not coming to the interview... :(