What is IOTA token? IOTA Token was created in 2015
It is operated on a Tangle Ledger
specifically designed for Internet of things related applications.
The tangle ledger is best used for machine to machine to transactions ,it doesn’t have any fees being that when you send an IOTA token you also verify two other transactions on the Tangle Ledger.
Good example would be if in the future say you have an electic car that has IOTA token stored so when you pull up to park at an electric charging station you could pay the charger automatically without having to interact with a credit card or machine it would automatcially be transfered to the charger via your car.
The Directed Acyclic Graph emlimtnates the risk of double spending without clogging the system unlike the traditional blockchain. The IOTA token is not just for devices and IoT alone it is also a peer to peer token that can be transfered between users using a wallet address similar to blockchain.
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