Why my bots are free.

in ip •  6 years ago  (edited)

TL;DR: This is my main hustle as a software developer, so bear with me. I understand that intellectual property is a touchy subject. The reason I use public domain for my bots is because I want people to get excited about jumping right into STEEM without unnecessary cognitive load. My position is descriptive, not prescriptive.

Of all the licenses out there, I like CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) the best (aka public domain). I certainly don't go for GPL but I also don't even go BSD License or MIT License, even though they are great alternatives.

I am not a lawyer, so I cannot legally advise which license anyone should use. To do so would violate the law in most jurisdictions. But I think that's silly, so I'll break the ice and law at the same time. Here's your illegal legal advice:

I declare to anyone reading this that in the event any judge
issues you a summons, I hereby advise you to get to court on
time.  This and the previous statement represents the entire
advice I issue on the subject.

There, I broke the law. Wups!!

Anyway. Why are my bots free? Here's the simple reason: I believe they're so good, they'll lock up STEEM Power.

That's my goal. Write bots that compel people to buy STEEM and Power Up. If you like my software, there's no need to send me a tip. You can pay me by staking and running your own bot. That's it.

And I feel like the public domain license takes away one small roadblock for people to run my bots.

I don't disapprove of people claiming intellectual property. I think they probably even have standing for damages if their IP has been infringed.

The way I see it, the problem is the notion of jurisdiction. There are plenty of courts that claim jurisdiction. I'm just not convinced they have a valid claim to adjudicate. To me, that throws the whole notion of jurisdiction and intellectual property into question.

On the other hand, if you are sure about that notion, then you should assert your claim of intellectual property.

Also, I am happy to adhere to any reasonable license people assert. If your license says I need to plant a tree in order to use your software, you can get bent. But if your requirement is that I cite your work and/or pay you $10, and if I think it's worth $10, I'll pay it. If I don't think it's worth $10, I won't pay it and I'll adhere to your license and refrain from using your software. That's fair enough for me.

I personally desire that people use public domain. But I will not force you to use public domain, even if I think the jurisdiction you cite is faulty.

We didn't believe you at first, but we asked like three people who were at that party. They not only corroborated your story, but even said you totally mentioned wanting to start a company someday. Sorry! If this isn't enough money, let us know.

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I like your thought process on this...

Some of the most fantastic software out there will only be used by a bare few because of the cost in obtaining it, or using it legally.

Giving away something for this reason:

I believe they're so good, they'll lock up STEEM Power.

Is smart. Really smart.

I'm glad you explained it, so other developers might do the same.

If steem power gets locked up, becomes better to hold the long term, it benefits all of us involved.

Great idea, and thank you for doing that! :)

I also use CC0 1.0 for my bots and other work. 😁 Very interested to read about why you use it too.

To throw my own hat in the ring, I use it for several reasons:

  • encourage innovation and allow unfettered reuse, hacking, etc. without it being stealing
  • encourage a community to form around use. grateful users and collaborators are nicer than customers 😇
  • while I do work professionally elsewhere, this is hobby stuff for me, so it's in the spirit
  • to lower the bar of entry for people to use automation, and lower the offset cost businesses general impose (mandatory votes, license purchase, beneficiary cut, etc.)
  • an opposition to the concept of intellectual property, and a small contribution to it's (marginally) increased irrelevance

Your bots are under a fantastic jurisdiction because they're reasonable, not just that I believing asking someone to plant a tree is not better than asking them to pay 10$ or give them a chance to stay away, anyway it is, it's a freedom of choice.

Why don't you go for for GPL?

GPL might be fine for certain ideological products. I just can't imagine being part of the ideology. If congitive load is priority, GPL ranks last.

Coignitive load is absolutely priority, and yeah GPL is quite a last option, now I see your reason why.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Is there a Steem Public License? SNU? Steem's Not Unix?

How about SNEOS? Steem's Not EOS?

hey anyway 100% upvoted and resteemed i love the way you say that you make bots for free because you own steem, and youre actually adding value to steem in a way that will cause others to lock up Steempower... ooooh wait I actually REALLY get it now, i was about to say buy and lock up steem but its more about getting people to want to use steempower.... and seeing SP as a tool with many more options, and your bots allow people to use those tools so youre kind of like a Casino giving out free drinks to get patrons to loosen up and probably gamble more :) Not that youre doing anything possibly unethical im just tired and was trying to think of an analogy

oh man I started up something I call 'ackza OS" when i imagined psychically logging into the discord channel again with my mind, and i heard your voice guiding me like "Okj now you select your GUI" and you were like "duhh you didnt know you were a cyborg and you could open up a GUI in your minds eye?" and yeah man it was a trip i was in hypnogagic state before falling asleep thinking about EOS launching and the BCP voting via @jesta 's greymass eos voter desktop program which was blowing my mind giving me all thee visions... and so i started imagining steemit in my mind, i created a nice hybrid of mac os and windows and opened up my own special brpowser in my mind and i was ion my own special interface a barebones ackza mind front end trying to write steemit posts in my mind about Law Enforcement vs Code reenforcement and about this whole idea of instead of fining peopel for littering you just make certain gutters the trash can and have street sweepers collect the trash, make gutters with grooves to catch cigarete butts and stuff to prevent it from going into the drain runoffs. lol and how we can use public cctv cameras to just post videos of litter bugs on their social media to get friends and family to just pressure them to stop littering and embrassing their families etc. I feel like we can just re enforce existing natural God's law instead of trying to enforce mans law and thus an Agoric future with eos code as law can begin! I saved all of that in my ackza os file system a few nights ago, i was a little fearful i wouldnt be able to remember the whole thought about re enforcement etc but i was totally able to so i wonder, our brains memory must be pretty advanced.... i want to see what brain to computer interface + eos will look like when people are able to copyright a thought on a blockchain to prove they thought of something first :) Kind of like steem

anyway ive gone way too far off the rails, what was i talking about again?

oh yeah free apps, free bots i mean lol, free bots to make steem more valuable and get peopel to start looking at SP in a different more lucrative light and thus make steem price go up and thus YOU make money serving your self interest! @mughat would be proud!

I'm not sure if I should take your legal advice since it was illegal for you to give it to me. If I'm summoned by a judge I'll go when I feel like it.

That's the spirit!

I'm a freelance software developer and I don't have the IP rights for the most software that I write (my clients do).

Regarding the open source licenses, the only one that I completely avoid is the GPL. I'll even avoid the LGPL when I can. I hate infectious licenses.

A couple of months ago I wrote a community bot for the Steemit Betting Community ( @sbcbot ).

I had the idea to make it more general and user-friendly so that the other communities on steemit can use it so I created a github repo and published the stripped down version of the bot to see if there's interest and to see in what direction to take it (features to implement,...)

The only response I got has been a guy taking a dump on it and talking to me as if I'm a half-witted child. That kinda killed my taste for contributing to the opensource.

Yeah, it's hard to gauge when engagement is low like that. On the one hand, does a single response represent 10 other people who felt the same way? Or does it actually represent the one person who spoke up who had a differing opinion?

Either way, I can see why that would be discouraging.

I guess I had high expectations 😃

The bot is built to run on Heroku free dyno and if you're familiar with it you know the limitations that platform has (no permanent disk storage, db can take ~5 minutes to spin up,...)

It's much easier to write a bot that will run on normal hosting, but the free Heroku dyno has been the requirement. Free + convenient deployment = a lot of headaches 😃

I've managed to work around the limitations and I thought it would be interesting to someone, but it appears that nobody wants it. I'm still working on the bot but I don't intend to put it on github again.

Anyhow, I've found your github profile and I see that you wrote the Ruby API client (radiator). Somehow it didn't occur to me to look for the Ruby clients and I went with the official Python lib.

Ruby is my old love, but unfortunately, I'm doing more JS these days. Although JS is not as bad as the popular opinion says, it isn't Ruby either.

I get that free + convenient deployment is a big selling point. But for API access when you want to do things that the API fights against (i.e. getting data you want that takes more than 200ms), I feel like $5/month for a droplet isn't such a bad dea.

I feel like $5/month for a droplet isn't such a bad dea.

It's a great idea actually if it weren't for the one thing.

Currently, I'm running the tech side of the community, but in a case that I need to step down, I can with one click transfer the bot from my account to some member's Heroku account.

That is the main reason that keeps me there. A non-technical user can take over the bot and run with it. No sshing into servers,...

Yeah, I've looked at that. It's a neat feature.

Pretty solid concepts flying around with these sayings. But, it all refers to the social behavior and people tend to like free things, thus the expression "If it's free than is for me".
I remember a visit from an american in my country (Romania) and sincerely while I would expect him to be richer than me (of course he is) he expected for me to pay for his beer. Maybe this is the customer in America, but myself being a student without working...I found it pretty lame.
And ... the same is with software licences, being free those will be used like this forgetting giving incentives to the author. But, I appreciate the work and the bidirectional respect and recognition that needs to be in place between the author and the end user.

I think in the US, who-invites-who is used to decide who pays for beer. In most of the world, it's age/seniority (where income is the tie breaker, or something). So this creates a conflict when the person from the US invites someone to have a beer who is not from the US who is older. The person from the US tries to buy the beer and ends up offending them.

I don't have any personal-first-hand experience with that, so I could be wrong.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Good to know that about the american culture as at the moment I was a little bit puzzled about the behavior. That probably also because while indeed I have invited the student in the city, myself being so without too much money and considering the discrepancies from the 2 worlds we are living in...I thought that he would be more sharing and splitting the costs. But, at least from cultural point of view, it makes sense...and I might look at that experience through different eyes now.

wow i felt bad for leaving a rambling comment but after reading this , lol i see that you are @cryptorg are just as bad as me! I dont think anyone would be offended in these situations concerning beer seniroty purchasing protocals :D

How do people get your bot software? Have you considered turning your account into a voting bot?

It seems like unless you construct the entire edifice of human knowledge within an isolated bubble, intellectual property is bogus. Nobody creates anything entirely on their own. We are all reliant on the work of countless prior generations who made discoveries, invented things, wrote books, composed music, etc.. We build off one another; the notion of intellectual property seems not to take that into account.

I'm voting this specifically for the comic. I've been looking for that "I had this idea" form so I can get free money too, just like those guys who actually developed the idea and put it into action and marketed it and made actual money with it.

I wouldn't know how to copy your bots anyway, but appreciate the efforts to keep steem power up!

Did @catfacts quit working? Cause it hasn't responded to any of my cat posts, and I enjoyed this bot.

The bot is still running but there are some errors I haven't diagnosed.

Bummer. I miss it!

yeah i know! 2hen i would make a post about my cat with the #cat hashtag i would end up seeing this bot and it was fun and relevant, it filled up space with somethiung useful and since it ws automated it was even cooler! I feel like it was just an example of whata bot COULD do, and if only we could teach spammers to be RELEVANT we could maybe turn spammers on steem into actual legitanmite marketers lol we JUST need to teach spammers to become RELEVANT and do what catfacts did which was only pop up and show up on a post that involved cats

I would love to see a random Money facts on all posts with the #money tag and a random bitcoin facts on all posts with the #bitcoin tag etc etc :) now THATD be cool! and helpful and make steem so much more educational! I love thinking of steem as one big school where we Breed super intelligent users who end up learning SO much just by being here everyday!

would it be that difficult for me to learn to make a catfacts but one for "SteemFacts" or "MoneyFacts" or "FinanceFacts" or "Mathfacts" or "Economicsfacts" or "Bitcoinfacts" or "BlockchainFacts" I think steemians would actually end up getting REALLy smart if we had a lot of these random facts sprinkled in if they were all very helpful subjects like economics, PROGRAMMING, Math, History of Money or Finance, Bitcoin, and other things that would help us all in our quest to make steem great and we are proof of brain right? i think random facts from wikipedia about technology,history of computers, history of software and especially things to doi with web development and random facts about Social media and all the wealth of knowledge we have from all the studies in recent years about social media and screen time, i just think psychology is also important so we may want some sort of long list or library of important facts, especially about steem and how steem works, just to self educate our own users about how our own blockchain works! now That would be nice and helpful!

Thank you for your gifts and the ability for me to run an albeit small business. I am grateful for your courage and talents.

Where do we find said free bots?


Also helps that your bots are some of the best coded on here :D

Well said! One needs to be paid for services needed, @inertia interesting post!

Hi @inertia,

You got a $11.6081 upvote from @matt-a at the last minute before the payout. (16.52h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

@nothankyou you're on the @abusereports naughty list!

Bad Steemian! Bad!

@abusereports you should be the sole occupant of the @abusereports naughty list!

Claiming to be saving the platform from self voting, late voting and spamming while proving that you really know how to do it best, by circle voting your own posts up by more than $70.00 multiple times each day.

Bad Steemian! Bad!

@botreporter you're on the @abusereports naughty list!

Bad Steemian! Bad!



And this is why I'm an @inertia fan. Truly OG.

Why flag me? And then remove it?

Because it was accidental. Note the flag on the OP seconds after.