I hate my Iphone ... thank you Garmin !!

in iphone •  7 years ago 

Thank you Garmin!

I hate my Iphone - I cam from a Galaxy S7 with the Nova Launcher - yes, it's Android, so I can install the Launcher I want ...

I have a shiny Iphone8 now, and I hate it ... no widgets, notifications are so unorganized and feature-less, the dialer is so basic and limiting ... I could go on and on ... but

Why did I do it?

It's not my fault .... it's Garmin's fault ... for 1 year I did all my sports tracking with this beast ...


^^ That's a 600 EUR Garmin Fenix S - a sportywatch that can track everything and has a nice battery life. It's sturdy, lasts for a week and can do sports really well and a tiny bit of smartwatch notifications ...

What can't it do you ask?


I was confident that Garmin would bring a new Fenix in 2017 with just Bluetooth audio and some Music support ... maybe even with Spotify, how great would that be?

What did they do? They released the same stupid watch again - a tiny bit more battery, a bit better screen (it's still basic dot display) and that's it ... no Music! No Bluetooth! Hello? for 600 EUR again ...

No way .. so I bought an apple watch .. and a used Iphone - for the price of a new Garmin!

What shall I say, the Apple Watch is different but makes a hell of a lot more fun an - I can listen to music now - yeah ;)

Well .. I just have to live with this iPhone grap now ... let's see if I can do it long term.

Cheers, Chris

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