About iPhone 8 in China, Apple earnings revealed

in iphone •  7 years ago 

First look at the overall performance: third quarter revenue of 45.408 billion US dollars, higher than the same period last year 42.358 billion US dollars, up 7%; net profit of 8.717 billion US dollars, up 12% over the same period last year


August 2 morning, Apple released the third quarter earnings.

First look at the overall performance: third quarter revenue of 45.408 billion US dollars, higher than the same period last year 42.358 billion US dollars, up 7%; net profit of 8.717 billion US dollars, compared with 7.769 billion US dollars last year, an increase of 12%.

By region, Apple in all regions only in Greater China, there was a dazzling negative growth year on year. Third quarter revenue in Greater China was $ 8,040 million, down 10% from $ 8.884 billion in the same period last year.

Apple sales and revenue performance by region and product

According to the product division, the apple performance of the most eye-catching is neither the main heart of the iPhone, nor the Mac.

IPhone quarter sales of 41.03 million, an increase of only 2%, sales revenue grew 3%. The second quarter of this year, Apple iPhone sales is 50.8 million. As the fourth quarter is a routine new iPhone release period, so the performance of the third quarter is often weak, but also excusable.

The best performers in the third quarter were the iPad, as well as the service and other product categories. Revenue from the iPad for the quarter was $ 4,969 million, up 2% from $ 4.876 billion in the same period last year. However, from the point of view of sales, the iPad sold 11.424 million, up 15% year on year.

IPad sales growth and revenue growth (from Jackdaw Research)

Lei Feng network (public: Lei Feng network) learned that this is the iPad sales in four years the first year-on-year growth, the last growth or the fourth quarter of 2013. At the same time, iPad sales rose only 2%, which means that compared to the more expensive iPad Pro, cheap version of the iPad's contribution to the growth of sales great. According to Apple's statement, sales growth mainly by school and business cooperation driven.

In addition to iPad, the Apple service business performed well, revenue reached nearly 7.3 billion US dollars, year on year revenue growth reached 22%. The service business mainly includes data content and services, AppleCare, Apple Pay and authorization and other services. All service businesses pay more than 185 million subscribers and have increased by 20 million over the past 90 days.

Company CEO Cook said the department could become a Fortune 100 company. For the more optimistic department he often so metaphor, he also said that the wear business can become a Fortune 500 companies.

Other products also grew 23% year on year, including Apple TV, iPod, Apple Watch, AirPods, Beats headphones and so on.


Accumulated sales since the birth of iPhone

Announced earnings after the conference call, Apple also implicitly revealed more about the new iPhone and the Chinese market news.

If you remember three months ago Apple's earnings conference, you will find that when the focus of attention to the outside world is the company held nearly 250 billion US dollars in cash (as of the third quarter Apple has 261.5 billion US dollars in cash, 94% in the United States ), And now, the outside world is more concerned about iPhone sales stagnation and the next generation of development progress, and its relationship with the Chinese market. To some extent, these two questions can be attributed to a problem, because Chinese users may be simmering in the next generation iPhone 8 (or called iPhone 7s or iPhone X).

Since the birth of the iPhone 10 years, its sales have reached 1.2 billion cumulative. Lei Feng network has reported that in May last year, Cook said, the outside world on the iPhone upgrade expectations, does lead to the stagnation of sales. And this is outside speculation (especially the media), innocent Apple did not reveal the slightest information.

When he talked about the iPhone, he said that rumors about the product were more violent than ever before, and that affected the sale of existing products, especially the iPhone 7 product line.

"We do not think sales are stagnant, but that also means strong performance in the future."
This quarter of the iPhone's fatigue for Apple will not be a problem, because any intention but did not buy iPhone users are likely to buy in the next quarter, and when the price is more expensive Now the higher the expectations, Apple's victory at the end of the horn more loud.

IPhone products inventory decreased by 3.3 million, reaching the lowest point in two years. And because the iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone's average price reached 606 US dollars, higher than the previous $ 595. The average increase in prices means that the new iPhone is still very popular, users do not want to buy a cell phone.

Apple's revenue for the next quarter is expected to be $ 490-52 billion, significantly higher than the expected 49.2 billion US dollars , and hinted that due to the emergence of new products, the performance will be very eye-catching. Cook said:

"We are looking forward to new products."
We ordinary consumers are also looking forward to.


Apple certainly did not say when the iPhone will be officially released, because it never talked about unpublished products, but at least did not say will be delayed. And from this confident attitude can be seen, iPhone release and sales will not be delayed, which also means that it did not encounter (has overcome) outside rumors of production barriers.

Apple's market share in China also fell to fourth, Wall Street will be attributed to this reason ... ... WeChat , because compared to mobile phones, WeChat is the Chinese users just need, and cheap mobile phone also run WeChat barrier, but also reward.

Even if the performance of Greater China is not satisfactory, but Apple also proved that even if the second largest market has shrunk, but the company's overall growth will continue (Chinese users do not be too confident).

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Apple's performance in other emerging markets, such as India, with the Chinese market a few years ago, there are many similarities, the overall is optimistic bullish. Cook said that growth in emerging markets has not really started, and in addition to China, the growth of emerging markets reached 18%. After all, Apple's goal is the global market.

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