Apple ios12 update issues 18/9/18
Ok so apple have launched a series of new phones and pretty smart they look too, now we all remember what happens when apple releases phones, for some explicable reason the older phones start to slow down, develop faults of just break through the (updates)
So we all know were all as buggy as hell, that was the start of my problems my iphone 6 after having 11. installed broke, no way to update it nothing so I bit the bullet and bought an iphone 7 off a selling site.
Lo and behold iphone 7 had a none apple battery so when I installed 11.4 the phone updated fine but stopped the camera working, took it to the apple shop and they said as it’s not an apple (extremely overpriced battery) nothing they could do so goodbye.
So yesterday ios.12 is released for general public, seeing how bad 11 was I decided to download the software only this morning to wake up to, yes you guessed it the update broke my phone. It said restore from back up, but I can’t as the backup requires a code but all if shows is a dead screen no way able to put a code in so three phones down.
Apple are their useless selves forgetting the customer we don’t matter anymore, our business is now worth a trillion dollars you’re now an irrelevance.
I am now avoiding apple like the plague I will be selling all of my apple goods and going back to android
I am 100% sick and tired of apple buggy updates
Avoid 1os.12 like the plague