In Indonesia there are some songs that are quite popular,
Here's a list of Popular songs that make you feel the touch of lyrics and arrangements of songs that exist, among others are as follows:
Stupid Man (ADA BAND) Manusia Bodoh
This song tells of a man who hopes a lot from the woman he secretly loves.
Pupus (DEWA)
You are discharged shoot gebetan continue to be denied sure deh all listen to this song. The lyrics can really illustrate how crushed this heart is when love claps to one hand.
Stop Hoping (SHEILA ON 7) Berhenti Berharap
Just for people who are tired of waiting and unable to fight for his love.
Especially for people who are still waiting for the certainty of the person he loves.
Ruang Rindu LETTO
Lagu untuk para Pemberi Harapan Palsu.