The Inflation Reduction Act doesn't actually work!

in ira •  3 years ago 


So the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is getting through..

Cept it causes more inflation, more shortages and lower economic growth.

In order to stem inflation permanently, you have to stop debasing money by printing so much of it.

Why won't they don't that though?

Because if they tried to spend the same budget through taxation, people would just stop paying them and probably revolt.

But if they only spent what they got in taxes, then they'd also get kicked out of office.

A catch 22!

Instead, they will lie and do everything they can to convince you that the economy "got too hot" when what actually happened, was they printed trillions upon trillions of dollars in money, gave it to themselves and their cronies and then spent it all.

The middle class savers were then forced to compete with their hard-earned savings with the new viciously circulating money for the same goods. This causes the prices to rise.

And to hit the nail in the coffin, watch out as the central bankers blame everyone except themselves.

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