Multiple reports say the president is planning to renew five waivers allowing Tehran to work with foreign countries on building a civilian nuclear program. At the same time, Iran is threatening to reduce its commitments to the nuclear deal. However, while they're poking the British Navy and the United States, they seem to want to meet with Saudi Arabia while telling Mike Pompeo to stay out of Tehran. Iran is pushing to leave the deals if the EU doesn't find a way to help Iran's economy.

"Under current circumstances and if no action is taken [by the Europeans] we will take the next step [in cutting commitments]," said Zarif.
The Iran game is still ongoing, and while they seem to be going between fighting and pleading for help, there may only be one direction that this all can take. Iran's economy is suffering drastically ever since the US withdrew from the Nuclear Deal and began throwing sanctions on top of sanctions. This can only go on so long before one side breaks and only so much can be done. Either saving their economy or possible war. What do you think? Please leave your comments below. Have a nice day!
This article was written by @cifer44

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