A Sinking Feeling About Nuclear Persia

in iran •  6 years ago 

In April 2015, mainstream media presstitutes touted an unsigned agreement with Iran as the solution to prevent its nuclear-armed ambitions. The deal formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was formulated by a diplomatic team including the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States), plus Germany and the European Union (P5+1). The day the agreement was born, I penned a first thought for a Twitter thread that continues to this day, as the POTUS is busy manifesting that idea and killing the deal.

Trump pulls United States out of Iran nuclear deal, calling the pact ‘an embarrassment’_… “President Trump pulled the United States out of the international nuclear deal with Iran, announcing that

economic sanctions against Tehran will be reinstated and declaring that the 2015 pact was rooted in ‘fiction’.”_Washington Post, May 2018

It is important to recognize the mindset of the Persian Empire, as it existed and morphed in its geography from approximately 844 BCE to 1935 AD and Iran was the center of that kingdom, with a “King of Kings.”

More importantly for contemporary context, the following documentary is an examination of the Islamic Republic of Iran since the Iranian Revolution that commenced in 1978-1979, its subsequent 40-year history as the largest state sponsor of terrorism around the globe while hastening the return of a 12th Imam, their great spiritual savior. This savior has a name: Muhammad al Mahdi.

_“According to Twelevers, the

main goal of the Mahdi will be to establish an Islamic state and to apply Islamic laws (globally) that were revealed to Muhammad. The Mahdi is believed to be the Twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi. They believe that the Twelfth Imam will return from the Occultation as the Mahdi with a company of his chosen ones, and his enemies will be led by Antichrist and the Sufyani. The two armies will fight

one final apocalyptic battle where the Mahdi and his forces will prevail over evil. After the Mahdi has ruled Earth for a number of years, Isa will return.” – Wikipedia_

True Iran: The Global Jihad

Iran**** says no missile talks unless West gives up its nuclear weapons… “Iran’s armed forces spokesman said on Saturday that there can be no talks on the country’s missile program without the West’s destruction of its nuclear weapons and long-range missiles. ‘What Americans say out of desperation with regards to limiting the Islamic republic of Iran’s missile capability is an unattainable dream,’ Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri told the official IRNA news agency. ‘The condition for negotiations on Iran’s missiles is the destruction of America’s and Europe’s nuclear weapons and long-range missiles.’ Jazayeri said US criticism of Iran’s missile programme was driven by ‘their failures and defeats in the region.’” – Breitbart, Mar. 2018

“We have faced an enemy since the beginning of our revolution, the government of the United States… even Obama who claimed that their goal is not regime change – now it is clear that was a lie… They have failed each time despite all their efforts and conspiracy theories, like that famous cat in Tom and Jerry… Be sure that they will fail again, and we will get out of it with heads high… We know that the fate of their new POTUS is similar to Reagan and Bush and Neocons… We should never neglect our duties because of this promised divine victory.” – Ayatollah Khamenei, May 2018

**Iran tells UN it will hike uranium enrichment capacity **– Arab News, Jun. 2018

New US sanctions on Iran come into effect_ – Al Jazeera, Aug. 2018_

Why Iran Thinks It Has an ‘Insurance Policy’ Against an Israeli or U.S. Strike… “Israeli and American officials think Iran is trying to ‘wait out’ Trump’s first term, and is banking on the wounded nuclear deal to shield it from a military strike until then.” – Haaretz, Aug. 2018

Hezbollah is now 10 times as strong now as it was in 2006, and its military infrastructure permeates Lebanon_ – Jihad Watch, Aug. 2018_

Lebanon****‘s Hariri says government formation may take more time… “The May 6 elections delivered a majority for the Hezbollah and its parliamentary allies, a reversal of the previous vote in 2009, when groups with Western and Saudi support won most seats.” – Times of Oman, Aug. 2018

Nasrallah: Hezbollah Stronger than Israel, Prepared for War_… “Iran has been facing sanctions since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979…

Trump is mistaken in believing that the sanctions imposed last week would lead to riots in Iran that would oust the current regime…. Hezbollah might not be the strongest army in the Middle East but it is certainly stronger than the Israeli army (according to U.S. estimates, Iran sends Hezbollah around $700 million annually), because we have more faith in our cause and greater willingness to sacrifice… The resistance in Lebanon — with its arms, personnel, expertise and capabilities — is stronger than ever… attempts by Israel to convince Russia to build a buffer zone on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights in order to distance Hezbollah and other militias from the border with Israel would fail.” – Breitbart, Aug. 2018_

**Mike Pompeo: A Soldier, Spy Chief And Tea Party Republican, To Become A Diplomat **NPR, Mar. 2018

Our new Secretary of State laid out 12 demands for a new nuclear deal with Iran…

The leading voice out of Iran nowadays is Qasem Soleimani (Instagram account), a Major General of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and commander of Quds Force since 1998. Qasem is as flamboyant as our POTUS.

Iran****’s Soleimani warns Trump… “’We are closer to you than you think. Keep in mind that I am keeping account of you. And you know the asymmetric capabilities of the Jerusalem Brigade, indeed of the entire Iranian armed forces. We do not sleep a single night, and there is no night we do not spend thinking about you. We are the nation of martyrdom and of Imam Husayn, and we’ve been through the most arduous ordeals… Know that if a war breaks out, it will be the oblivion of all your potentialities, and will result in our victory.’ He said, ‘If you start the war, we will finish it.’” – Informed Comment, Jul. 2018

Iranian-Backed ‘Sleeper Cell’ Militants Hibernating in U.S., Positioned for Attack_… “

Iranian agents tied to the terror group Hezbollah have already been discovered in the United States plotting attacks, giving rise to fears that Tehran could order a strike inside America should tensions between the Trump administration and Islamic Republic reach a boiling point… Others testifying before Congress agreed with this assessment… Their presence in Latin America must be viewed as a forward operating base against America’s interest in the region and the homeland itself… These Hezbollah operatives exploit loopholes in the U.S. immigration system to enter America under the guise of legitimate business.” – Washington Free Beacon, Apr. 2018_

IRAN**** WARNING: Advanced weapons system launched by Tehran in show of strength against Trump_… “Tehran’s navy

installed its Kamand defensive weapons system on a warship as tensions mount with US military in the Gulf. The weapon

dubbed the Iranian Phalanx, after a US-produced machine gun whose bullets shred incoming missiles. According to the Tasnim news agency, the Iranian Navy Commander confirmed testing of the short-range defence Kamand system was concluded successfully, with more on the way.” – Sunday Express, Aug. 2018_

[The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran](https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/07/out-today-robert-spencers-the-

I cannot even speculate how the current situation will play out. This is not a North Korean walk in the park.

The good news is that despite any rumors you may have heard, Tom does win against Jerry.

Headline black and white poker table image insert by Jim Sinclair from 2006.

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Website: https://traderstef.wordpress.com

Written by TraderStef for CrushTheStreet.com 2018-08-19

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War. If only everyone just said NO. Sounds easy and shoud be. But there are way too many willing participants everywhere. With a clear mind just ask yourself Why?