The Secrets of the Persian Cat: How This Feline Celebrates Its 2500th Birthday
When the first Persian cat was born in ancient Persia, his owner could never have known that he would make such an impact on the world, but these days Persian cats are one of the most popular cat breeds around the globe. Here’s everything you need to know about this impressive cat breed, which can celebrate its 2500th birthday this year!
Iranian Cats Are Highly Adaptable
Iranian cats are known for their vast adaptability. The Persian cat can live in houses with other pets, outdoors, or in any climate thanks to its dense coat. They have been one of the most popular breeds since their creation over 2,500 years ago. They are low-maintenance pets who are easy to care for because they stay both indoors and out without any issue and get along with everyone. Persian cats are also one of the oldest domesticated animals on earth. However, there is no record of how they were first domesticated. People found these cats living as far back as 4,000 BC in an area called Iran near modern day Iraq and Syria. In this region they became very popular pets among Egyptians and Assyrians.
Ancient Breeds Have Extraordinary Traits
While we might find them to be cute and cuddly, cats were once thought to be one of the most dangerous creatures on earth. In Ancient Iran, they not only saw them as sacred animals but a large part of their tradition. It is because they were so well regarded that now it's hard to go far in Iran without seeing one lounging about!
A Special Diet And Environment Keep Them Healthy
Persian cats are notoriously picky eaters, but can also be quite health conscious. With a special diet and environment, they enjoy life and may live up to 18 years.
Persian cats have been around for over 2,500 years. They’ve survived the rule of six empires and generations of humans by never going out of style. It’s no wonder people often mistake them for Egyptian or Roman cats!
An Ancient Breed Is Alive And Well Today In Iran
This is a post about how cats are an integral part of culture in Iran, and how this ancient breed has managed to survive for 2500 years. You see them everywhere, you find references to them in Islamic paintings, they've been used as symbols of independence and power, and there's even a phrase that translates roughly to one old cat can be more important than one thousand soldiers.
Original Chartreux Colors and Patterns Are Still Visible in Present-Day Cats
Chartreux are a rare breed of French cats originally native to their namesake region in eastern France. Chartreux have a peculiar longhaired, tawny coloring which is easily distinguishable from other breeds due to its fawn body with copper-hued stripes on the legs and face. However, in recent years it has been discovered that this original color and pattern are still present in cats around the world today.
Their Intelligence Makes Them Easy To Train
Although cats in general are already smart, this facing is even more so. And, as any cat owner knows, they're notoriously easy to train. With a little patience and time spent working with your cat, they'll quickly understand what you want them to do.
This breed in particular is an excellent choice for people with allergies