The boy who cried wolf: Netanyahu Speech about Iran’s WMD Program. - DTUBE Version

in iran •  7 years ago 

DTUBE Film Summary

Netanyahu is at it again. Now Israel is lying about Iran to try and start another war in the Middle East that benefits them. Whether this is Netanyahu's wag the dog moment to save himself from corruption charges or just another step int he Greater Israel plan, one thing is for sure, this "War against Iran" is a fabrication of Israel bullshit.

Speech I am responding to: Video

Need I remind you it was the same Netanyahu that told the world that Iraq had Nuclear Weapons, secret nuclear programs in the backs of trucks? That was all Netanyahu and the blatant lies of the Iraq war. Let's not let the boy who cries wolf get away with this crap again, Netanyahu showed 0 evidence of anything other than pictures of files and cd's that could have nothing but porn on them. As for thew warehouse they showed via satellite, once again 0 evidence of their claims.

Don't fall for Netanyahu's bs. Here is another video calling him out by "BlackStone Intel", who came to similar conclusions to me, ( I saw this video after posting mine): Video

LTV also called out Netanyahu: Video

You should too, don't let them start another bankster war.

P.S. Go truth bomb the crap out of this Zionist propaganda by Jerome Corsi who blocked me on twitter: Video

Blocked by Jerome Corsi another basic Zionist shill:

Cheers everyone.

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O God its really alarming war is no doubt a devil character which continuously playing by the player who follow hell the devil and world know them better if they have a plan to attack then due to those powers nobody can do anything except God who make them bully like pharoah of egypt God bless everyone in this world with peace and joy you have pointed a great alarm the devil is trying to bullshit another time and this time WMD have iran who know betterbut God

netanyahu is just fucking guy.

its extremely disturbing war is no uncertainty a demon character which ceaselessly playing by the player who take after hellfire the fallen angel and world know them better in the event that they have an arrangement to assault then because of those forces no one can do anything aside from God who make them spook like pharoah of egypt God favor everybody in this world with peace and satisfaction you have pointed an extraordinary caution the fiend is attempting to bologna some other time and this time WMD have iran who know betterbut God

Wow good to see

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