So at what point did anyone think choosing that guy from TV who suddenly wanted to get into politics was going to end well for their country?
No, not talking about some discriminating governator who himself was a migrant and opposes immigration, this is about the person who once said during Obama's last months in his first term "In order to get elected, Obama will start a war with Iran"
After the first illegal bombing against Iraqi paramilitary units, the United States under Trump attacked Baghdad int. airport and killed apprx 15 people. One of which was a senior commander of that same paramilitary unit Abu Mahdi, the other, was undoubtedly the most active senior figure the past decade in strategically helping Iraq and Syria against isis/daesh; Qassem Soleimani
Both Iran and Iraq have labeled the murdering of them as an act of aggression that should not go unanswered and Iraq is holding an emergency parliamentary session at this very moment.
Along the borders of Iraq, there's Iran and on the other side Syria; a country still suffering from illegal US occupation who are solely there now to steal their oil, oh, I mean "priority to fight isis/daesh", and not much further from there there's Lebanon, where Hezbollah has been successfully deterring Israel for over 2 decades now.
Why are they relevant? because these are literary the core places where isis/daesh took the fight, and this is where they got defeated, with a continuously traveling Qassem Soleimani in support of local fighters and the Syrian army.
No matter what your TV tells you, the majority of the efforts and success against isis/daesh, came from under the watchful eye and protective wing of Qassem Soleimani, and the fighters from all these 4 countries know it, because they have fought and lived through it, while fully remembering the lack of support from a so called "international coalition" who practically did NOTHING to help their country againt isis/daesh while having full consent, and now actively starts bombing their country without any.
Iraqi PM "The United States has violated the terms under which their military is present in Iraq"
Open and direct warfare is not unimaginable at this point, and with Europe completely turning their backs on the United States (with somewhat exception from post-Brexit "independent" England) all they have on their side are Saudi Arabia and Israel, especially since 2 key players in the region (Qatar and Turkey) have made their stance clear and have been pushing back against United States' agenda for quite some time now.
There will not even be a "international coalition" of which the bulk of nations contributes less than 0.2% in personnel, costs or equipment like the illegal Iraq invasion was. This will be, a solely and predominately a US war, with the entire region, while under the command of a cartoon character, who's main priority is Israel while your TV insist it's Russia to whose tune he dances.