The pardon of Scooter Libby is about people who lie to start a war rewarding their minions and punishing the truth-tellers. It's a setback for justice.
For those who weren't digging through world-wide news sources and fact-checking from the time the Iraq War was pending:
Libby lied to the FBI when they investigated the high-level leaking of Valerie Plame's identity and her husband's as CIA agents. How did the Plames get in the crosshairs? The CIA's rank and file didn't all go along with Bush and Cheney's rush to invade Iraq. These two were exposing the Nigerian uranium shams that were being used by the Bush Administration to convince the American public to invade Iraq. Later, it would be widely acknowledged even inside the USA that the intel was flawed - but it was not by accident, and I can personally attest that significant validated sources found flaws in Bush's premises before the invasion even started. I for one caught onto the story of the document alleged to prove Nigerian uranium was being bought by the Iraqi government was a fraud - it was largely plagiarized from a thesis by a grad student of military strategy, and the signatures and dates on it didn't were those of officials who'd left office by the time of the paper's date. This was widely reported in the media abroad, silent here until the summer after the invasion, when a trickle of coverage came in the corporate US media acknowledging these stories, but, "nobody knew" and "no use crying over spilled milk". Obviously, most of the informed public in the world outside the USA knew beforehand, but the USA's public were being told after the fact as if it'd been by mistake. The whole of US corporate media, from FOX to the New York Times, were complicit in this.
Scooter covered for the attack dogs who were sicced on an agent who didn't toe the line and, as the Downing Street Memos which exposed US/UK efforts to falsify intel and public perception of it put it, "the facts were being fixed around the policy".
#45's throwing a bone to the crew that lied us into a war that's killed over a million souls, cost the US over 2.4 trillion, destroyed stability in the Middle East, to the sole profit of large corporations like Exxon and Halliburton. These neoconservatives are huge failures in terms of humane governance and human rights, but in terms of doing the dirty work to start a war and enrich the arms merchants and oil companies, they're ruthlessly effective.
The timing of this reflects horribly on the current administration's intent. Together with the recent appointment of John Bolton, it reflects aligning with the unrepentant, unaccountable purveyors of war and torture of decades past.
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