RE: How to Beat The IRS

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How to Beat The IRS

in irs •  8 years ago 

Yes of course, the United States is the Federal Government and the extent of its authority does seem to be Constitutionally limited. This is why the Thirteenth Amendment was put in place prior to the Fourteenth, to overcome or circumvent such limitation. Both amendments were written by the same Congress in 1864, with the Thirteenth ratified in 1866 and the Fourteenth declared ratified in 1868.(Any manner of citizenship or submissive contractual agreement establishes a condition of servitude; the most common being the driver license application which must be preceded by the state's issuance of a franchise license to use the birth certificate name as the franchisee's "True Legal Name").

It is more than somewhat difficult to keep these issues short because the government has subjected everyone to government controlling indoctrination in its public schools. Once the human mind has been indoctrinated it is very difficult for it to be retrained.

Grammar school teachers do not teach this about these amendments because they were not taught it when they were children. As you may recall, Obama said he was not going to mess with anyone's Second Amendment gun rights. This is probably the only time he said the truth. The Second Amendment protects the gun rights of the People of the United States, it does NOT apply to mere citizens. Citizens of the United States have no Constitutionally protected rights whatsoever.

Pay attention to the words.

Obama is going after the guns of citizens who have no Second Amendment protections (or any other Constitutional protections. Read the explanatory clause in the opening sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment).

When the limitations of the Federal Government are read in the body of the Constitution the reader must bear in mind the "nullifications" of the Fourteenth Amendment.

As an aside, neither do the state governments have any jurisdiction over any person until that person voluntarily submits himself to the political jurisdiction thereof through his presentation of a birth certificate (which is NOT the property of the person whose birth is recorded thereupon), during the driver license application ceremony, which the person voluntarily initiated. Pay attention here to the wording of the Thirteenth Amendment's prohibition of involuntary servitude.

The exception clause therein ("... except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, ..."), establishes that the Thirteenth Amendment's prohibition of involuntary servitude was intended to apply to all aspects of our lives in relation to all levels of government. (This exception is actually a nonsensical nullity - how can a person be charged unless he was subject to the jurisdiction thereof prior thereto? I contend that this exception was inserted here to make it clear that this prohibition was not intended to be a redundant prohibition of slavery).

The Fourteenth Amendment does not declare any person born in the United States to automatically be deemed to be a citizen thereof. However both Thirteenth and Fourteenth do allow any person to volunteer themselves into a subservient relationship to the Federal Government, actually to volunteer themselves to be totally under the control of the President, Barrack Hussain Obama. This is accomplished in the explanatory clause, "... , and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, ...".

What branch of government is it that exercises the "jurisdiction thereof", other than the Executive Branch? All of Obama's Executive Orders are Constitutional under this provision of the Fourteenth Amendment. However, he has no jurisdiction over those persons who have not volunteered including those of whom he cannot prove volunteered.

This Presidential authority is also Constitutionally established in Section Ten of Article One, where it is established that no state can make a law to impair the obligations of contracts. Citizenship is a contract voluntarily entered into. When did you knowingly and intentionally volunteer?

I can make arguments that everything that the government has done and is doing, that many persons deem to be unconstitutional, is allowed under some aspect of the CONstitution.

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I've followed you because I will when I have more free time, study your points in more detail with a copy of the Constitution.

Thanks for what you are doing. Hope you don't disappear in case I want to discuss further in the future.

I wish your post had received more attention, but maybe that will come in the future. This site is still growing and improving.