Isaiah and the fear of God: I will wait for the LORD, who is hiding his face from the descendants of Jacob. Isaiah 8:17

in isaiah •  11 months ago 

The prophet Isaiah began his book by describing the times of chaos and anarchy that he lived through, the times of David and Solomon had been forgotten and the fidelity to the law of Moses no longer existed either in the Kingdom of Israel or in that of Judah, and with these words the prophet expressed the fact:
"You, LORD, have abandoned your people,
the descendants of Jacob.
They are full of superstitions from the East;
they practice divination like the Philistines
and embrace pagan customs" Isaiah 2:6.
And like all the prophets in the Old Testament, Isaiah warned of the path of idolatry and sin, God does not agree with the error: "But your iniquities have separated you from God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear", Isaiah 59:2.
God had hidden his face from the house of Jacob, the prophet emphasized several times in his book, this somewhat obscure and metaphorical expression means that God had temporarily taken away Israel's privileges as a chosen people. The spiritual gift of fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion) is the bond that unites men with God, and what makes the law bear fruit, because it is from the fear of God that the common sense for making assertive decisions is born.
This is why God gave the prophet the vision of the invasion of Assyria, this empire would destroy the kingdoms of Israel and Aram, and only the kingdom of Judah would remain. God had chosen this pagan nation, Assyria, as his divine instrument, to warn Jacob's sons of their errors.
And for this reason, the prophet also called himself to silence, waiting with fear in the Lord:
"I will wait for the LORD,
who is hiding his face from the descendants of Jacob.
I will put my trust in him" Isaiah 8:17.
The teachings of Isaiah are a call to the conversion of the heart, and that only those who fear God are that vine that bears good fruit, as the prophet taught in his poem about the vineyard.
Isaiah and the fear of God. I will wait for the LORD, who is hiding his face from the descendants of Jacob. Isaiah 8,17.jpg
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