ISIS attacks Manchester... when will we learn?steemCreated with Sketch.

in isis •  7 years ago 


As I expected, ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Manchester terror attack. This heinous attack is a direct result of the insane open-door policy of Britain, following in lock-step with the EU's neo-liberal accommodation towards Islamic "refugees", numbering over 5 million in recent years, more than half of whom are military-age men with an axe to grind.

The US legacy propagandist media broadcasts next to nothing regarding the social devastation happening throughout Europe, which amounts to a culture-killing invasion by a people indoctrinated by their Quran to wage war against non-believers.

There are only two viable solutions I see to this problem: Either moderate Muslims of good faith (if any) must stand up in unison, repudiate terrorism in its entirety, and destroy the extremists among them, or the so-called infidel west must do it in their stead, which would likely lead to a much larger death-toll.

Islam is in dire need of a massive and complete reformation if it is to rise to the standard of an actual 'religion of peace' instead of a violent political ideology. Unfortunately, my reading of the Quran does not support the idea that a reformation is even remotely possible, as it would require a virtual eradication of the majority of its precepts.

A recent study showed that only 35% or so of Muslims in Britain would inform the authorities if they were aware of pending terror-related Islamic activity. This does not encourage me that the mass of Muslims are at all concerned about violence done in the name of Islam. The only conclusion I can come to is that the majority of Muslims, in thought and deed, support the escalating violence against 'non-believers', because that's what they are indoctrinated to believe.

British PM May has cowardly stated that "this incident will not alter the British way of life". This is rubbish. Attacks like this are a direct attack on western culture, and has most certainly altered our way of life, and will continue to do so. This liberal pandering to Islam, if not forcefully stopped by either Muslims themselves or the west, will not only not end well, it will mean the subjugation of the world to the demands of some madman from Mecca.

Stockholm Syndrome... it's all too real.

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Makes you question where all the tax money is going for our intelligence agencies (MI5/MI6), as they are meant to prevent attacks like this one. Apparently it would be morally and politically racist to make premature arrests on these suspects, so they rather hunt them after the damage is already done. Absolute utter incompetency!

Yep. Here you have England, with probably the most intensive surveillance camera systems in the world, along with top-flight intelligence agencies... and a homegrown Muslim who was known to have visited Libya, virtually telegraphing his proclivities if not his actual intentions, etc... and the British authorities completely failed to connect the dots.

Was it incompetence, or a pathetic disinterest in preventing violence like this? It's almost as if the government actually wants Britain to be invaded and subjugated by hostile radicals... surely that couldn't be the case... or could it?

There's a higher global agenda that we have no control over however, I am highly grateful for your article and that you do take the time to investigate these corrupt issues.

Down with the European Union... What they seem to be telling the terrorist is this... "Come on in and Destroy Us" We open our Borders, our Gates and our Front doors to make it easy for you to come in and kill us...