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All answer

Do like old spongebob better then new spongebob.

Because I am right

Because I want you to answer first

OK, what do you want me to answer?

Yes I am confused

How you guess it

I already know, I want to see if you know.

Yes I know it now

Then why are you asking me to tell you your name?

Good you already know

No. I really don't. Please tell me!

I will tell you

Ok then tell me.

Please don't tell anyone else

I'll try.

I know you know already

What else you want to se

Now I think that it's your turn to tell me about something.

So what's your plan now

I will get a nuke and explode everyone.

Please don't explode everything

Where you get a nuke

What is the largest country in the world?

My country is largedt

In Italy there is no monarchy.

What do you know about world

Yes largest country is usa

Don't you think that is to much violent?

Where you get a nuke man. It's not good

From school. What languages do you speak?

We do school language

Really, do you speak spanish?

School language always good o speak

What is your favorite movie?

And what about you

I will answer.