in islam •  7 years ago 

Marie is an Egyptian linguist who follows PP and wishes to tell her remarkable story as a Christian

"Mr Salama looked at us all with utter disdain, and explained that the Suez Canal ‘win’, (we actually believed Egypt had won, cos that is what we were told) was just the beginning of the creation of the new Caliphate.

He said: "All you dogs and pigs, remember my words. Us Muslims made a pact at the last Crusade to rebuild our numbers by marrying as many women as we could, then, when it is time and we have the numbers, to INVADE all Christian countries, BY ANY MEANS.

"Once inside, we will then force our demands on the host countries. We shall implement our Sharia Law. We shall proselytise, we shall marry the local women to bear as many children as they can, we shall build madrassas, we shall build mosques, we shall convert everybody, and FINALLY, we will have done what Mohammad (here he interrupted himself to bless Mo’s name) wanted us to do. I am an old man now, and will not see this Caliphate, but you pigs and dogs will.""


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