Islam, Muslims, Allah and the Quran: al TAQIYYA

in islam •  7 years ago 


Taqiyya is a concept and a reality that must be borne in mind when reading or listening to the words of Muslims.

What is Taqiyya?

Taqiyya (also spelled taqiya or taqiyyah) is lying to advance or protect Islam (taqiyya literally means "prevention"). Muslims justify taqiyya from the Quran, other Islamic texts, and the actions of Muhammad, including those below.

It should be emphasized that while Iying is a cause for shame in the West, taqiyyaisn't in Islam. To Muslims, taqiyya - Iying (to infidels) to advance and protect Islam - is both a virtue and a duty (there is shame, however, in being caught - watch the video below).

So, when non-Muslims confront Muslims about facts that Muslims wish to hide (e.g., Hitler & Islam, Sharia Law, Errors in Quran, Halal, Allah Moon God,Taharrush, etc.), Muslims often Iie with a straight face, even on record and in front of other Muslims, who nod in agreement (see Muslim Brotherhood) to both approve of and to participate in taqiyya, as well as kitman - the related practice of telling half-truths - as Muhammad instructed:

"The Apostle said...'Who will rid me of Ibnul Ashraf?' Muhammad bin Maslama, brother of the Bani Abdul-Ashaf, said, 'I will deal with him for you, O Apostle of Allah, I will kiII him.' [Muhammad] said, 'Do so if you can... All that is incumbent upon you is that you should try.' He said, 'O Apostle of Allah, we shall have to tell Iies.' He answered, 'Say what you like, for you are free in the matter.'" - Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad, page 307

"The Prophet said, 'War is deceit.'" - Volume 4, Book 52, Hadith 269

"By Allah, and Allah willing, if I take an oath and later find something else that is better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath." - Volume 7, Book 67, Hadith 427

"The believers never ally themselves with the disbelievers, instead of the believers. Whoever does this is exiled from Allah. Exempted are those who are forced to do this to avoid persecution." - Quran 3:28

What about the Bible? Does it promote Iying or at least leave some room for it?

The Bible and Jesus are unequivocal in condemning deceit. Jesus told us to never Iie, not even under duress (see Prophet Isa):

"You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery,’ ‘Do not mцrcler,’ ‘Do not steal,’ ‘Do not bear false witness,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother.’" (Luke 18:20)

"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels." (Luke 9:26)

It should also be noted that Jesus identified the Satanic origin of Iying:

"You are of your father the deviI, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a mцrclerer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a Iie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a Iiar and the father of it." (John 8:44)

Then where do we find the truth?

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)


Islam Permits Lying to Deceive Unbelievers and Bring World Domination!
Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam. They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution. A lie in the defense of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.
By Don Boys, Ph.D.

deception; the islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies.

It is impossible to understand Islam and Muslims by listening to their protestations against terror and their proclamations of patriotism for America. Usually, it is wise and fair to give people the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to national safety and the future of America, we had better look twice, even thrice at Muslim patriotism.

Why? Because Islam permits lying! It is called “Al-taqiyya.” One Muslim said that Al-taqiyya means dissimulation then he expanded it to diplomacy but he should have gone further to deception. Now some Muslims who do not follow the Koran are as faithful Americans as any of us, but the problem is, we cannot know.

Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and if our politicians do not understand this, thousands could die.

It seems our President and his advisors are clueless as to the desires, doctrines, and distinctives of Islam. While I feel a little audacious in giving advice to national leaders, it is necessary since no one else is doing it. Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and if our politicians do not understand this, thousands could die.

Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam. They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution. A lie in the defense of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.

Muslims are permitted to lie: (1) to save their lives, (2) to reconcile a husband and wife, (3) to persuade a woman into a bedroom and (4) to facilitate one on his journey. Muslims are even permitted to disavow Islam and Mohammed if it is not a genuine heart-felt rejection. Muslims will tell you that concealment of a truth is not an abandonment of that truth if it benefits Islam.

Mohammed gave permission for a follower to lie in order to kill a Jewish poet who had offended Mohammed. I could provide many examples of permissible lying from the Koran and Hadith and will do so when my critics accuse me of hatred and bigotry because of this column. My motives are not important but the truth is. However, many unprincipled people do not consider truth important. It is political correctness that sits on the throne to be worshiped.

Muslims may appear very sincere; in fact, they are sincere, when they lie for their own protection or in the cause of Islam. They have permission to lie. Yes, Christians have also lied but never are they given permission to lie. However, a Muslim has no guilt since the Koran and Hadith permit his deception.

Muslims have no hope for eternal salvation without their good works, so they must keep working to advance Islam. If a few lies will accomplish that goal, then lying is not bad but good. If they can get good publicity for Islam by lying, then lying is acceptable, even desirable.
They will lie to make Islam more attractive to potential converts as they speak of “no compulsion in religion” while all of them know that verse was abrogated by later verses. They will quote verses that speak of tolerance and kindness knowing that those verses were written when Mohammed was desirous of “tolerance and kindness,” but when he climbed into the catbird seat, everything changed and he became a terrorist.

Muslims have no hope for eternal salvation without their good works, so they must keep working to advance Islam. If a few lies will accomplish that goal, then lying is not bad but good. If they can get good publicity for Islam by lying, then lying is acceptable, even desirable. The Muslim is earning his way to heaven by lying to a non-Muslim.

Unlike Christians who are saved once for all by the grace of God through faith in Christ’s propitiatory death, no Muslim knows for sure if his works are good enough for Heaven. The only Muslim who knows for sure that his eternal destiny is secure and he will drop into a delightful garden filled with 72 virgins on soft green cushions is the one who dies while “taking out” unbelievers in Islam.

Most Muslims will not have the “opportunity” to become a martyr in this war between Islam and the rest of the world and make no mistake every true Muslim must be involved in making America (or the nation where he lives) a Muslim nation. Since Muslims are limited in their ability to die for the cause, they can help the cause by supporting terrorists with money, succor, and cover. Sure, they are aiding terror against the U.S. but since they believe they are doing Allah’s will, then any deception is acceptable.

How should this affect America’s war on terror? Officials must look closely at every Muslim chaplain in the military and in our prisons; also look at those involved in the CIA, FBI, and other sensitive areas; look at all Arabic translators, military or civilian; look at all Muslim employees at the Pentagon, White House, atomic power plants, and in Congress; look at all civilian Muslim pilots; look at Muslim clerics in all U.S. mosques. In other words, get serious about this war before our cities are rubble.

Our President must stop playing the game of “Let’s Stop the Terrorists” and get serious by going to the heart of the matter. This war on terror is a religious matter and could become a Hundred Years’ War. To resurrect an old slogan: You can trust the Muslims to be Muslims. They are lying their way to world domination!

And Murder???
And Rape???
And Sodomy???
In the name of WHAT???

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