Do you hate Islam? And why?

in islam •  7 years ago  (edited)

I came across this post attempting to imply that Muslims were the reason crime was increasing in the UK over 2017 by @lexiconical

Imagine if I was a white supremacist or just someone who hates Muslims. I could easily look through @lexiconical's article and find "evidence" to support my hate. Would it be wrong for me to kill local Muslims in my area because I read @lexiconical's post and thought it was based on fact?


Take the above for example. How can I argue with these sorts of things when they back up my feelings of hatred?

After all we reason not with logic, but with our emotions. We feel something is true and then build a narrative around it.
If I hate Islam and I see the above picture I won't get out a Quran and check. I would just accept it as reality.

Do you hate Islam? And why?

Also do you have any memories of hating Islam before 9/11?

Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The comments which were presented are cherry picked and out of context to show Islam in bad light.. For instance the first line says that: "slay the unbelievers where you find them"

This verse commands Muslims to defend their community against idolaters who violated their peace treaty obligations and were waging a war of aggression.The verse is applicable only to hostile armies and not to non-Muslims in general. We should look at the entire chapter and interpret the verses comprehensively and consistently, rather than taking one verse out of context.



i just hate everybody

That's what I like! Equality towards everyone :D

I want you to return to history
In World War I, millions of people were killed and the killers were not Muslims
World War II killed millions and were not Muslims
The basis of murder and terrorism is not Muslims
Hitler is not a Muslim
Many people were killed

To add more recent, "The war on terror" perpetrated by Christian nations is also terrorism. Millions dead and swept under the rug because their lives are seen as less. They are seen as "other".
If Muslim nations started killing millions of Christian civilians it would be called genocide.

I want to tell you that terrorism has no religion
But terrorism is for political reasons
Religions have nothing to do with religion because religions call for love

True. It is when state gets prefixed to religion that religion goes bad. States as they are, are not compatible with religions, so they alter and change the religion to suit the narratives and agendas of the state.
Blasphemy laws in Pakistan are a good example. Many of the laws in Pakistan spit in the face of Islam despite these laws put in place supposedly for the religion.

The whole concept of states is a man made construct and isn't really compatible with any religion. Yes you can have geographical areas that are self governed by appointed leadership, but it has evolved much further than that, to the point that I believe patriotism has become one of the most vulgar movements, as it is more often than not synonymous with exclusion and discrimination of minorities and migrants.

When Jews were being persecuted in World War 2, many of them were given refuge by Muslims.

I was really hoping this was the next episode of beautiful triumvirate 😣. But nonetheless, i do not hate Islam. Looking at that image is a pretty convincing proof of why they shouldn't deserve any atom of love but the very truth remains that not all of them are practicing the gibberish in the picture. I kind of learnt they have different sects with beliefs also similar but some better than others. It's only a few bad eggs that seeks to corrupt the world with such misguided information and misinterpretation. I have close friends from the Islam, why haven't they cut off my head? Or are they still planning it?... The reality remains that not all humans are good by nature, Islam or not, Quran or not.
@dee-y over and out.

I released the last chapter of B3. You might have missed it.

That picture doesn't actually represent what the Quran says.

why haven't they cut off my head? Or are they still planning it?...

Super secret conspiracy. All Muslims are connected through telepathy and waiting for the day to strike.

Thanks for sharing!

Islam is my religion.How can I hate it?
I love it always.I'll try to grab it hardly within my life.


I will begin by saying that I was unfortunate enough to see this utter garbage in my feed, as I followed the fool that authored it (past tense, no longer following).

And I saw the way you stood up to the atrocious content that was conveyed. So I thank you for that.

With regards to that first image you shared, that shows all those verses taken out of context, here's some of that context;


Our societies need to transcend religion. I don't hate Islam or any religion....I just avoid them and take to drink!

We need lots of religions. Otherwise I will not feel safe in the knowledge of my own superiority for creating and choosing the correct religion. I will get to go to super heaven. It's like normal heaven except times over 9000!

I am God and will grant you access to my all you can drink brew pub in the sky!

No, i dont hate muslim. We are equal just diferent religion.


I am a Muslim and when I read the post, how can @lexiconical said that "Islam is a garbage religion" while Islam teaches us values of peace. I think that is not garbage isn't it. I hope that she can repent and find guidance. Upvoted!

That which hates Muslim. I hate him

Love is the answer.


Very hard question...but effective.... Your thought logically right and i agree with you @riskdebonair

i too hate what happen about 9/11 so sorry about it.but every muslim is not like that.

i hate those who spreads violence and don't want peace at all

why only a few people who understand like you? where are you from? I am a newcomer to this steemit, I come from Aceh Indonesia,

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I really like your post
which is always a big question is why people hate Islam and always in bad view until considered as a terrorist
whether they can not see the Islamic countries that are always in colonized by them
such as suriah, ghouta, myanmar, and other Islamic countries
why did not anyone put human rights in there when thousands of our brothers were killed
have you ever seen Islam abandoning other non-Muslims?
