Some Talk about Islam.!

in islam •  7 years ago 

Islam is a monotheist and Abrahamic religion. A script which is run by the Qur'an, which is believed to be the word of Allah to its followers, and the teachings given by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of Islam, are called 'Jivanvadars', which are called Sunnah and Hadith. Base of Followers of Islam believe that Muhammad (sa) is the last prophet. Surrender to the meaning of Islam or surrender itself to a single creator. Many believe that Muhammad (pbuh) is the originator of this religion. However, according to the Muslims, he is not the originator of this religion, but the last and final messenger from Allah sent by the Prophet. In the seventh century BCE, he reproduced this religion. Holy Quran is the main scripture of Islam. Believers in this religion are called Muslims or Muslims. The Muslims believe that the Holy Qur'an is sent by Allah to Muhammad (peace be upon him) and it is sent by him. According to their belief, Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last prophet. The Qur'an is explained on the basis of his guidance and teachings received from the hadith. But if the word of a hadith is against the Qur'an, it is considered to be rejected.

Like Islam and Judaism, Islam is also the religion of Ibrahimis. The estimated number of Muslims in the current world will be 180 or 190 crores and they are the world's second largest religion group. Islam spread quickly to the world as a result of the victory of Muhammad and his successors and the victory of the war. Currently Muslims throughout the world, especially in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, East Africa, West Africa, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe. Although this religion is the beginning of religion in Arabia, most of the Muslims are the minorities. Several Balkan regions, including the United Kingdom, are the second largest religion of Islam.

The fundamental basis of the religion of the Muslims

The fundamental basis of the religion of the Muslims is the unity of Allah. Muslims believe that Allah sends His message to mankind for the sake of mankind, through angels, to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muslims believe that he is the last Messenger (Rasool) on the basis of 'Khatme Prophethood' mentioned in the Quran.

They also believe that their Holy Book is incomprehensible to the Quran and the last word of Allah, sent down to mankind and the people of Jinn, which will survive and remain effective till the Day of Resurrection or the Day of Resurrection. But among the Muslims, Ahmadi, a community, thinks Muhammad (sa) is not the last prophet, but the tradition of Prophethood will continue in the later times.

And among the large number of Shiites, Ishmaelites believe that Imam Isma'il was the prophet of the last.
The Muslims started preaching from Adam and all the men sent by God were preaching the message of Islam. In Surah Fatir of the Holy Quran, it has been said,
'Indeed, I have sent you (Muhammad) with good tidings and as a warner. There is no community, no one has been sent among them. '

In the eyes of Islam both traditions of Abraham and the Christian tradition are traditions of the Jews and Christians. Both the religions are addressed in the Qur'an as 'the People of the Book' and separated from the polytheists.

The Holy Qur'an has been called in Surah Al-Imran
'O Muhammad, say (O Muhammad), Come, O people of the Book! Let a word between you and us, that we should not worship anyone other than Allah. Do not associate anything with it. And none of us accept anyone as a god other than Allah. If they turn away, then say, "You must be witnesses, we are Muslims."

The Qur'an also mentions the various incidents and issues of the books of this religion, but in most cases there is difference. According to Islamic belief, the followers of these two religions have distorted the meaning of Allah's words and distorted them.

The Jews 'Torah' to the Torah and the Christians to the New Bible Muslims believe that Islam is the original religion and the only acceptable religion is close to the heart and the creator.
The Muslims called the Creator of the universe as 'Allah'. The main belief in Islam is the oneness of Allah or Touhid. Islam is absolute monotheistic and in no way is relative or pluralistic.

The unity of Allah is the first of five pillars of Islam called Shahadah. Through this lesson, one acknowledges that there is no god other than Allah and (2) Muhammad (sa) has been given the narration of God as the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, 'He is Allah, one, Allah, one, , He did not give birth, and no one gave birth to him, and there was no one like him.

The word of Allah is made up of Al and ilah. The meaning is different and the meaning of God is the meaning of the deity. Although Christians claim Christianity is monotheistic, Muslims deny the belief of Christianity as the Christianity or the union of the Father in the one God and the Holy Spirit, as many theistic ideas.

In the Islamic view, Allah is completely incomprehensible and unmatched, which is impossible to describe in some form. Such immorality is also seen in Jewish and some Christian beliefs. Muslims describe their creator through his many different names and attributes.
The angel or angel is the Persian word about
angels. Angels Arabic is the word "Malaika." Faith in the Faith is a fundamental principle of faith in Islam.

These are the other creations of Allah like all other creations. They are basically Allah's messenger. The angels guarded between the heavens and the earth. They always obey the commands of Allah and everywhere, and they have no power to disobey Allah. Angels made of light and light.

They do not take food and drink as a spiritual creature. They wish to smell and stay in the holy place. They have the power to change and move anywhere according to Allah's command.

The number of angels is countless. Although they are not classified in Islam, the name of the four angels, the chief angel, is notable,

Gabriel is the messenger of Allah and the greatest of angels. The name of this angel is mentioned three times in the Qur'an, Surah Jibrael is called the Holy Spirit or Ruhul Qudus. The prohibition of Allah's command and the messaging of the angels which is the responsibility of Jibrilal is their chief.

Jibraeli went to the Prophets about the message of Allah. This angel has seen the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) twice in his own image twice. In Surah An-Najm in the Holy Qur'an it has been said

that he is on the top of the uprising Then he came near. Then he came closer. There was an interval between them, two bow and fewer than them. Then he conveyed to his servant what he had to reach.

The heart that he saw did not deny it. Do you want to debate about what he saw in his own eyes? She saw him once more. Near Sedratul Motaharah

Contextual Hadiths: Muslim Sharif 329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 336 and 336.

Angels The name of this angel is mentioned in the Quran. It is responsible for rain and food production.
The angels, Israfil, will get Resurrection or Globalization by giving the permission of this angel to Allah's command. Although it is not mentioned in the Qur'an, it is mentioned in the hadeeth. Malak al-Mawat has killed the angel and killed him.

The angels of special classes, who are called "kiraman katibin" in the Quran, have been called respected writers, who keep account of the good deeds of each people. Two angels named Munkir and Nakir in the grave questioned the man about his actions.

The angel named Malik maintains Hell or Hell, and another angel named Ridwan is reported to have taken care of Paradise or Paradise. In addition to the Christianity of Islam and Judaism, the existence of angels and heavenly angels in Hinduism has been mentioned.

Qur'an is the main book of the Muslims

Quran is the main scripture of the Muslims Their belief is that the exact statement of the Creator of the Holy Quran is in this verse. Earlier, the Creator sent different texts to every nation, but they were distorted. The Qur'an is also called 'Al Qur'an' or 'Qur'an Sharif'. 'Quran' or 'Qur'an' is also seen in place of the Qur'an.

The Creator sent down his message to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the name of Islam through religion, from 610 to 6 July 663. This message was kept in writing, on stones, leaves and skin by its followers to preserve it.

Most of the Muslims respected any manuscripts of the holy Qur'an and practiced it before touching. However, the Quran can be read in addition to the Ozu. If the Qur'ân is worn out and the use becomes inapplicable, it is not left as a garbage, but buried under the soil as if it was buried or washed in clean water.

Many Muslims memorize some of the Qur'an's original language in Arabic. At least those verses are read for the prayers. The entire Qur'an is called as Hafiz or Reservator. Muslims believe that the Arabic Qur'an only is perfect.

Since all translations are people's work, there is a possibility of error in error and the original motivation of the subject and the correct presentation may not be available for translation, hence the translations are never considered equivalent to the Arabic Qur'an and are not equally accurate. Rather, these are called the highest 'seminars'.

Its panoramic view of present-day Saudi Arabia, the Hejaz region, the Mosque Nawawi (Mosque of the Prophet's Mosque) located in Medina. The second most important mosque in Islam.

Muhammad (sa), the best-known prophet of Islam,
was the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who was one of the most respected Quraish people of Arabia. Prior to receiving Prophethood, he was awarded the title of 'Al-Ameen' or 'Trustworthy' in Arabia for his special quality. After receiving Prophethood from the Creator, he established Islam religion and Muslim nation or Ummah.

He is respected and respected as the best Bani Vahak (Prophet) of Islam. Muslims do not see him as a promoter of a new religion. To them, Muhammad (sa) was the last prophet of the Prophet-in-law who saved the continuity of monotheistic religion propagated by Adam Abraham and other Prophets.

His former monotheistic religion changed and distorted at different times. So Muhammad (sa) presented Islam as the last sentitious religion of Allah.

In Islam, he received the divine message from the time of his death from the age of forty years until the death of the angel Gabriel for 23 years. These verses are combined with the holy Qur'an which he memorized and recorded with his followers (Companions). Because, he did not know how to write and read himself.

'You have not read any scripture before this and have not written a scripture in your mind that the unbelievers will doubt.
Muhammad (sa) was a man of noble character. All Muslims believe that Muhammad (sa) has preached this message accurately. And did not add anything to it.

'If he had composed anything in my name, I would have taken hold of his right hand, and then cut his neck.

None of you could protect him.
The Muslims believe that Muhammad (sa) and above all the prophets never made a mistake in preaching the divine message.

But Sunni believes that he has given his opinion as a man in some human and world decisions. But the Shi'ah thinks that all the Prophets and their Imams were in perfect condition, which is the Koran and the opposite of the pure hadith.

Because Allah would have corrected all human and earthly decisions of Muhammad (peace be upon him). For example, the following verse is discussed.
O Prophet, why do you forbid yourself to please your wives, which Allah has made lawful for you? Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

In this way, some other places in the Quran have been done to improve the work of Muhammad (sa). These verses are used as proof of preaching the word of God accurately and unchanged because he did not preach anything that would disrespect him if he did not want to preach properly.

Muslims believe that Muhammad (sa) sometimes used to make a mistake as a person. But he did not make mistakes in the promotion of the divine message. During his lifetime he was completely miraculously healed.

Along with mentioning Muhammad's name to the last prophet Muhammad, it is called 'Sallalla-hu' Alaihi Wassalam. It means' May Allah bless His mercy and peace. It is called Daru Sharif.

There are also many narrated narrations in the narration. It's the smallest of them. If you take his name in a meeting, it is obligatory for one to call it darud (wajib).

Pilgrimage at the time of Hajj Mosque Al-Haram

Hadith about Hadith 'Arabic words. Its lexical meaning is - words, words, talk, talk, talk, talk, news, news, story, etc. In the Islamic terminology, the words of Muhammad (pbuh), the work, approval,

and its physical and characteristic characteristics are the hadiths. In the lifetime of Muhammad, his companions would memorize his hadiths and memorize it. First, the Hadith was not allowed to write so that the hadith and the Qur'an did not agree.

Later, Muhammad (sa) himself allowed any of his companions or companions to write a hadith. After Muhammad's death, his companions used to practice his hadith regularly and narrated to their students.

During the time of the students of Muhammad's companions, Tabeera, Omar bin Abdul Aziz preserves state-sponsored Hadith in written form.

When the story of Muhammad's words and deeds is collected and compiled, then his statements are open to the next generation.

Different famous scholars were brothels in this work. Six of these books are well-known in their collections of Hadith. These are called 'Six Hadith Books' (Qutubus Sittah).

But it would be wrong to think that there is no pure hadith out of these six books. Apart from this, there are a number of pure Hadith collections. There are several criteria for purifying the hadith. Most important is the authenticity of the hadith or 'the source of the hadith'.

Some examples of the Resurrection
Islamic atheism is one of the main beliefs of Islam on the day of judgment or on the last day of judgment. On the Day of Resurrection or Resurrection in Islam, on the day that all the creatures created by God in this world will be resurrected for justice.

After calculating the amount of his life, and after the results of his deeds, after the payment of reward or punishment, he will be sent to Paradise or Paradise or to Heaven or Hell or hell or Hell.

Prophet Muhammad (Its panoramic view of present-day Saudi Arabia, the Hejaz region, the Mosque Nawawi (Mosque of the Prophet's Mosque) located in Medina. The second most important mosque in Islam.

Muhammad (sa), the best-known prophet of Islam,
was the prophet Muhammad (sa) who was one of the most respected Quraish people of Arabia. Prior to receiving Prophethood, he was awarded the title of 'Al-Ameen' or 'Trustworthy' in Arabia for his special quality. After receiving Prophethood from the Creator, he established Islam religion and Muslim nation or Ummah.

He is respected and respected as the best Bani Vahak (Prophet) of Islam. Muslims do not see him as a promoter of a new religion. To them, Muhammad (sa) was the last prophet of the Prophet-in-law who saved the continuity of monotheistic religion propagated by Adam Abraham and other Prophets.

His former monotheistic religion changed and distorted at different times. So Muhammad (pbuh) presented Islam as the last sentitious religion of Allah.

In Islam, he received the divine message from the time of his death from the age of forty years until the death of the angel Gabriel for 23 years. These verses are combined with the holy Qur'an which he memorized and recorded with his followers (Companions). Because, he did not know how to write and read himself.

'You have not read any scripture before this and have not written a scripture in your mind that the unbelievers will doubt.
Muhammad (sa) was a man of noble character. All Muslims believe that Muhammad (pbuh) has preached this message accurately. And did not add anything to it.

'If he had composed anything in my name, I would have taken hold of his right hand, and then cut his neck.

None of you could protect him.
The Muslims believe that Muhammad (sa) and above all the prophets never made a mistake in preaching the divine message.

But Sunni believes that he has given his opinion as a man in some human and world decisions. But the Shi'ah thinks that all the Prophets and their Imams were in perfect condition, which is the Koran and the opposite of the pure hadith.

Because Allah would have corrected all human and earthly decisions of Muhammad (peace be upon him). For example, the following verse is discussed.
O Prophet, why do you forbid yourself to please your wives, which Allah has made lawful for you? Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

In this way, some other places in the Quran have been done to improve the work of Muhammad (sa). These verses are used as proof of preaching the word of God accurately and unchanged because he did not preach anything that would disrespect him if he did not want to preach properly.

Muslims believe that Muhammad (sa) sometimes used to make a mistake as a person. But he did not make mistakes in the promotion of the divine message. During his lifetime he was completely miraculously healed.

Along with mentioning Muhammad's name to the last prophet Muhammad, it is called 'Sallalla-hu' Alaihi Wassalam. It means' May Allah bless His mercy and peace. It is called Daru Sharif.

There are also many narrated narrations in the narration. It's the smallest of them. If you take his name in a meeting, it is obligatory for one to call it darud (wajib).

Pilgrimage at the time of Hajj Mosque Al-Haram

Hadith about Hadith 'Arabic words. Its lexical meaning is - words, words, talk, talk, talk, talk, news, news, story, etc. In the Islamic terminology, the words of Muhammad (sa), the work, approval,

and its physical and characteristic characteristics are the hadiths. In the lifetime of Muhammad, his companions would memorize his hadiths and memorize it. First, the Hadith was not allowed to write so that the hadith and the Qur'an did not agree.

Later, Muhammad (sa) himself allowed any of his companions or companions to write a hadith. After Muhammad's death, his companions used to practice his hadith regularly and narrated to their students.

During the time of the students of Muhammad's companions, Tabeera, Omar bin Abdul Aziz preserves state-sponsored Hadith in written form.

When the story of Muhammad's words and deeds is collected and compiled, then his statements are open to the next generation.

Different famous scholars were brothels in this work. Six of these books are well-known in their collections of Hadith. These are called 'Six Hadith Books' (Qutubus Sittah).

But it would be wrong to think that there is no pure hadith out of these six books. Apart from this, there are a number of pure Hadith collections. There are several criteria for purifying the hadith. Most important is the authenticity of the hadith or 'the source of the hadith'.

Some examples of the Resurrection
Islamic atheism is one of the main beliefs of Islam on the day of judgment or on the last day of judgment. On the Day of Resurrection or Resurrection in Islam, on the day that all the creatures created by God in this world will be resurrected for justice.

After calculating the amount of his life, and after the results of his deeds, after the payment of reward or punishment, he will be sent to Paradise or Paradise or to Heaven or Hell or hell or Hell.

Prophet Muhammad (sa) has published some early signs of Resurrection like: 1. Increase in number of women compared to men. Imam Mahdi will emerge 3 Sin will increase in the world 4 The power of the disabled will be gone 5 Increases in adulthood 6 People do not think twice to do sin 7. Some people will claim themselves as prophets and many more has published some early signs of Resurrection like: 1. Increase in number of women compared to men. Imam Mahdi will emerge 3 Sin will increase in the world 4 The power of the disabled will be gone 5 Increases in adulthood 6 People do not think twice to do sin 7. Some people will claim themselves as prophets and many more .

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